Women Talk

[The Ladies' Sunroom]

The women sat around the round, draped table having specially made cups of tea according to their own preferences. Christabel put hers down in the gold rimmed saucer and coughed gracefully to address the whole table.

"So, ladies," she smiled, her pearl white teeth shining behind her cherry stained lips. "Isn't today a lovely day?"

"Not more than usual," Lorelei sighed, sipping from her cup. "It's been much too lonely without the princess."

An atmosphere of hush fell on the table.

"How much ever the tragic incident befalls us, we mustn't let it hinder our duties, ladies," Yesenia, who was ever the level-headed woman, imparted. "Lady Sumner, how have you been doing lately?"

Everybody turned to look at the elegant, red-headed woman seated near the corner. Yvonne smiled uncertainly at the sudden attention, her ice blue eyes widening in alarm.