Odd Reaction


Yvonne licked her dry, stained lips. After all this time, she had somehow gathered the courage to speak up. It wasn't an easy task to do, considering the fact that she was the first to convey such news. 

"I-I'm pregnant," she uttered again, faltering at the end. 

There was a long pause and time seemed to slow down to a crawl. Somewhere, a grandfather clock ticked away, the only reassurance that time was still running as usual for the world, save for the two people in the infirmary.

Yvonne observed long and hard the expressions that passed Eldar's face and smiled with a thought only she knew best. 

Eventually, Eldar sputtered. "I must be hearing things, for I am a greybeard after all. Could you perhaps repeat your words?"

Yvonne laughed inwardly at the old man's attempt to bypass her claim. She let her hands fall to her side before she spoke again with the clearest of intents:

"I bear the Emperor's child, Eldar."