No Effing Way

[Next day at the Royal Palace]

"So how are we doing, ladies?"

Everyone turned to look at Yesenia who had just walked through the door. She just looked like the rest of them- weary and sad. Even the way she dressed today was different. Same for the rest of them. Dressed in all black, Christabel sat propped up next to Lorelei on one of the soft sofas, wearing similar expressions of grief. On one of the matching chaise lounges lay Odette, a book in her hand. The title read: 'Tapped for Sorrow' 

Yesenia frowned as she walked by her, her black dress flailing past. 

"Where are Lady Atraxil and Lady Obsilia?" she asked Lorelei as she sat down on the sofa opposite them. Instantly, she was served a piping hot cup of tea, just the way she liked it. But today, she looked upon it with distaste. In fact, nobody was sipping tea today, not at all.

"Take it away, Ida," Yesenia called her maid back. "I'd rather not. Not today."