An Unexpected Invite

Reynard was awoken by the sound of the front door opening. Could Rosa be going out again? 

Slowly, he pushed himself off his bed and made his way to the living room. Nobody there. He was about to go check if his mother was awake when the dreaded reality hit him in the face. His mother was dead. He covered his face with his eyes and tried to keep in his tears. Successful, he moved towards the kitchen as he smelled food, but stopped midway when he saw a faint figure of a man from the corners of his eyes. 

Was it the kidnapper from last night? "Who's there!?" he yelled as he swerved to his right...and came face to face with his father. "F-Father, what are you doing here?"

His father- Simon Gradral- side man to the Emperor and commander to one of the highest ranking squadrons of the Imperial Knights, was in tears. In tears over his dead wife.