God Forbid

Everyone held their breaths as we waited in the dark.

"Are they coming?" someone whispered beside me. 

"Shh!" came the reply from her companion. "If you don't shut up, they'll be here faster than you can say 'Good Lawd'. Now sit still, Lily. And get off of my foot, you're crushing me."

This followed with a bit of shuffling and then an 'Ow!' After that, all went silent again. I felt a drop of sweat fall onto my bosom as I waited in the dark, hoping the glass shattering was as far as the assassins would go. There really was no knowing what God had in store for us. 

While I lay in anticipation, crouched on the floor beside a large vase, I thought about the girl who had warned me to begin with. Her voice was familiar, I know that. But who had she been? And why the hell did she not leave when she had the chance to?