Both of them...

"I'll be heading home, then," Reynard said after he had dropped his empty tray off in the kitchen sink. "Father must be home by now, if what the doctor said was true."

"Okay," Uncle Franke grumbled as he rolled up a new cigarette. "Come by later to tell me how he's doing, okay? And he'll be returning to work by when?"

Reynard took in a sharp breath. He did not want his father to leave them again. "In 2 days."

Uncle Franke nodded. "Make the most of what you have, okay? Good luck."

"Thanks, Uncle Franke."

With that, Reynard turned on his heels and walked through the door that led to the bar where some people were having their morning drinks. He noticed his good friend Bradshaw from academy sitting in the corner slurping on a sherry, and he waved to him. 

"Join me for a drink, eh?"

"Can't," Reynard responded as he pulled open the door, cold gusts of wind dancing on his cheek. "Need to head home. See you later."