Wonder Ointment

I walked behind her with my ponytail clenched in my hands.

Sidmund, Hector and Klyn all looked up at once as we emerged from Mama's room. They didn't say anything, but just kept looking at us to initiate conversation again.

"You all are in luck today," Mama announced in a booming voice. All three men perked up. "Fortunately, we have some ointment at home that can help your injuries."

All of them looked at her as if she had gone crazy.

"Mama," Hector began bravely. "Are you sure mere ointment can heal all this?" He pointed towards Sidmund's stub of an arm which still dripped blood, and then to a large slash on the side of his waist, drenching his black shirt in visible blood. It was daft to recommend an ointment in this situation, even I knew that. But what else could we do?