Her Rendezvous [I]

The carriage came to a halt in front of a store labelled 'Zabell&Glace'.

The coach came around to the door and helped Yvonne off the two brass steps till she was standing on the pavement. Yvonne had expected for the coach to drive off and leave her be, but he waited expectantly by her side.

"Won't you leave?" Yvonne asked, her back facing the boutique door.

The coach's forehead wrinkled in confusion, as if he couldn't believe what he was asked.

"Of course not, Your Highness," he answered. "It is now my job to make sure your visit is safe, seeing that you brought along no guard of your own." 

"Hmm..." Yvonne wondered how she could get rid of him so she could trot off to the pond by herself, but it seemed that the man was in no hurry to leave.