Blazing Souls

Yvonne gripped the handles of her chair as she remembered something. 

"I realized it was a bit daft of me to react so surprised to finding out about the current Emperor not being the princess's father," Yvonne muttered, "because I had had a hunch about it long ago."

Aspen leaned forward in his chair, his arms on the low table. "Why so?"

"It's weird that there hasn't been a single pregnancy even though the Emperor has had his mistresses for so long." Yvonne shrugged. "There's absolutely no way he hasn't touched any of his women at all. If that was the case, someone would have said something about it."

"So you're saying that the Emperor might be sterile?"

Yvonne nodded, an inspired gleam in her eyes. "Exactly. It's unlikely that all the mistresses would be infertile, so it has to be him. And,"- Yvonne smiled as she remembered- "I've actually confirmed my suspicions not too long ago."

Aspen arched an eyebrow. "How?"