Waking the Dead

The next morning, after a night of tossing and turning in bed, Reynard headed out to 'The Longing Table'. It was a nice morning after many cold ones, and for once, it was warm. 

"But won't you have any breakfast before taking off?" Rosa had asked before he left, worried.

Reynard shook his head as he slipped on his sweater. "I haven't the appetite right now. I'll come join you once I check up on Uncle Franke."

Rosa pursed her lips as he put on his boots. 

"Make sure he's okay, alright?" she muttered. "He has a weak heart, after all."

Reynard smiled as he stood up. "Sure. See ya', then."

The walk to the inn seemed to take a short time today. Was it because he enjoyed the weather so much? He watched people set up their stalls the whole way as the mourning gradually came to an end, and people started to realize that going out of business for a while was a burden already.