Coming to Light


Reynard and I sat on my bed in Room#5 this time. After the whole shabang before, he had become void of all sleep and had quietly followed me up to my room, just somewhere away from furious Mama Ruth.

"...weren't you going to sleep?" 

Reynard leaned back on my bed and stared off into the distance, as if thinking about something. 

"No, I was joking earlier," he muttered. "Anyways, how've you been faring lately?"

I smiled as I sat with my back against the bed's headboard, my knees tucked under my chin. 

"Good," I said as I stared at him curiously. "Will you now tell me about the reason you decided to start wearing a headscarf?"

Honestly, I was dying to know. If his hair really turned out to be the shade of purple I had embedded in my mind, then… Then what? What would I say to him? That I thought he's royalty? How would I explain my claim, then? By saying that I saw it in a dream? He'd laugh at me, surely.