Revealing it All

[Back at what was once Ogden Cove]

I barely slept a blink that night. The whole night, I had thoughts of Reynard and me as siblings. Were there times when small Reynard used to pick me up in the past, when I was still a little baby? N-Not me, of course, the princess. 

Thinking of him being my brother was surprising and no really at the same time, since I had always thought of him as a dumb older brother willing to risk his life for me. Now that I come to think of it, why did he ever decide to help me in the first place?

By the looks of it, he didn't really know he could have been my brother, so it meant his intentions were different. Really, it remained a mystery to me. I mean, why in the world would he help someone who's a stranger to him?

There was a sudden knock on my door as I lay on my bed. Quickly I got up and fixed my bedhead. 

"Come in."