A Chat with God [III]

"Why me?" I asked, finally gathering up the courage. "Why was I the one who had to shoulder such a difficult task when it could've been anyone else?"

Astrid stared at me for a while, as if contemplating something. Eventually, she sighed. 

"Sometimes," said she, "I reincarnate souls to other worlds without putting much thought into it, and maybe that's why so many worlds get struck with disaster. Your world, Wisteria, specifically,"- Astrid stared off into the distance- "I wanted to save it from its miserable future." 

"But you're literally God!" I blurted out. "Can't you just flick your fingers and make everything right?"

Astrid smiled, a sad mist enveloping her glassy pupils. "I wish it were that easy."

I sat back, disappointed.