Revenge is a dish best served cold!

Forward that day, Maymay went to Miaomiao's mansion, the friend had a spacious room where the famous professional hairdresser and makeup Tony Tang had gone especially to help her friend and client.

First, He made a modern and simple hairstyle, opened and side hair with curls, makeup for showing her amber eyes and sexy lips, the party dress royal blue color, court train with small crystals and stretched in her slender waist. When Tony finished , they were surprised with her glamour and beauty, so he said: "Oh, Goddess Daji!" and her friend agreed smiling enchanted to her, but so Tony , shocked said Maymay was very liked with the consort Lahuã, she and her friend laughed so much and so the girl told was her famous ancestor. On the day, her bestie invited her to the mansion where she lived and together went get ready for the party.

Tony Tong, one of the most famous makeup and hairstylist from Shanghai made all the difference, after an incredible party dress made by pure silk Gaza, blue royal color, v neck dress and stretched in her slim waist with the embroidered crystal made be incredible clothing and it was from a famous French stylist.

When they arrived in the place, a renewed ballroom, the luxurious black Lamborghini already caused whisper between the engament guests and the second Maymay appeared in the hall, the people got amazed at how pretty and glamorous was that woman, some said she was a goddess of the beauty and some women looked at her with jealousy while the men with sincere appreciation. But her aim was in the hall with the future wife, the duck Jenny, and the unfaithful boyfriend Li Hong, and step by step she was getting nearer to him.

The girls were distant from happy couple, a flute with champagne in Maymay's hand and her friend was with a small gift b ox with a golden lace. The couple went in towards the stage was decorated with many roses red, Lin Han took the microphone and began to speak about that moment with his way to convince the others , a nice liar.After some minutes, he hugged his bride and the people applauded him. Maymay smiled ironically, after all , the show would begin in some minutes.He walked with a grinned expression while he was greeted by persons.

Suddenly, The engaged couple stopped stunned and they have noticed Maymay in front of them.

She said couldn't miss this wonderful celebration between Mr.Lin and his cousin, so she had a special gift to give them with best wishes for both. Miaomiao walked towards them with the small gift box and she gave to duck Jenny. The girl, slowly, opened the box and she opened her mouth.

An exotic brooch made by silver with a red swan studded with a huge ruby was into from box.Lin Han got shocked because he reminded from history from Lin family where just the real true love from his family could have this jewelry and this was the proof of his betrayal.

The woman smile and went away while the crowd whispering about Lin Han be a womanizer.

Maymay said for her bestie the revenge was a dish best served cold and both laughed so much and toasted with flutes fully of the Champagne.