A Gateway to the Past

Mr.Zhang walked to the library with his daughter, he wanted Maymay could learn about the family's history now she was an adult, after all, he had promised his dear wife Lily.

He opened the desk d. rawer and took a golden jewelry box and with a small key opened it, there were many collars, rings, earrings, bracelets, an incredible crown, after some minutes rummaging into the box with a satisfied face, he smiled and with a gesture called the girl. When she arrived next to him , Maymay saw a golden ring with a stone lapis lazuli in shape from an orchid similar to stones from the garden so his dad explained the flower was magic.

They got out of the library and walked into the spacious hall of the home. He stopped in front of a wonderful picture from Zhang's House painted almost 300 years ago and asked ver to point the ring in the direction from the entrance from the garden where had the flowers painted in the center, surely an incredible blues light came out of the ring and whole painting transformed into an enormous door with a stairway made from marble.

Maymay got so surprised with all that she couldn't speak. He said she must stay with him come back to them there. After almost thirty minutes that she was getting more anxious, her daddy appeared with another man wearing clothes from Antiquity, she contemplated his face with so much attention and reminded uncle Zhang Sun.

They hugged each other and talked about the last happenings, the girl said belied in all his dad and uncle had said for her.

That night was a nostalgic meeting between Zhang's family with very tears but also laughed.