No início da manhã após o incrível festival, Maymay estava pronta para encontrar sua tia, a mulher estava esperando em seu quarto real e pediu que ela trouxesse a caixa dourada junto.
Eles se sentaram em um sofá feito de madeira e com maravilhosas almofadas vermelhas macias e enfeitadas com desenhos de muitas flores em uma variedade de cores decorando a elegante e espaçosa sala de estar. A tia relatou a felicidade de sua mãe, um menino maravilhoso chamado Zhuang Qiao por ser um lindo bebê muito bonito e forte.
Aos 5 anos que ele conheceu Maylee e a chamou de irmã mais nova, por causa da semelhança dos dois e a amava profundamente. O menino aprendeu artes marciais, caligrafia e era muito inteligente, falava português e inglês também auxiliava como tradutor em negócios da família real. Depois disso, Ele sofreu muitos ataques, tentativas de envenenamento, queda de cavalo mas ele tinha esse objeto que o ajudava a se manter vivo.
Quando ele tinha dezesseis anos, ele ganhou esta caixa de ouro, uma relíquia preciosa dos Zhang, tão importante que foi escondida de outras pessoas por causa de seu valor inestimável.
Porém, uma tragédia aconteceu com a família, o Imperador convidou o príncipe herdeiro do Reino Zukhan, um país que se encontra na Região Leste para uma caçada, o Príncipe herdeiro era um homem ambicioso e cruel e após uma complicada negociação, ele concordou em participar do caçada junto com seus soldados.
O Príncipe Zhuang Qiao o havia derrotado na competição de Kung Fu e ele me disse que tinha uma péssima suspeita de que o cara iria fazer uma armadilha para ele. "Conversamos e consegui acalmá-lo e voltar para o torneio.
He had lost competition from bow and arrow, so my husband decided to stop the tournament and they made tea. differents sizes and shapes and sizes ms hunt for the first time, my son hadn't background so my uncle Master Xi was helping him. They had hunted and injured a tiger, but my son got sad when they discovered was a tigress with a small cub after they chased and cornered it. Unfortunately, the fighters died but the tiger lives in our palace it's called Liwu because it is the last thing my son gave me before he died.
Master Xi carried the cube in his arms in front while my son was following when they were ambushed by many horsemen with scarfs in the faces, my son injured some men but same with the uncle helping they were injured, my son had serious injuries in his stomach and bleeding, when the emperor and the soldier helped them, three days later he died in my arms, he gave me the cub like a gift and said was a proof of his love by me. My uncle got to take an object from one of the bandits, a small pendant in the shape of a bear, a symbol from the kingdom of Zukhan, but it wasn't good proof to make an accusation formal.
When I saw you for the first time, it was an incredible emotion because you resemblance my son, the same face, elegance, gestures so we got so happy and emotional because felt as like if we had a new child, a daughter.
we known the prince crown had killed our son because of envy but also from this object that in the day he had kept saved with me.
The woman walked in forward to the bigger vase and with a light touch from the fingers, opened a door behind from wall and nodded to Maymay floor her while she was carrying the golden box.
They went through from a dark tunnel and the consort lights up with a pattern the way to the final: an incredible and majestic hall, enormous with many armors, swords, spears, shields from different shapes and sizes, sabers, and tridents. The objects were in all the places, in the walls, suspended too.
They sat on a soft and beautiful Persian carpet, the woman opened the golden box using a small key that was hanging in her bracelet, an exotic blue lotus floated on her palm hand and a bright light blue opened a magic Portal showing a Kingdom with a castle very impressive, luxurious and a man with a crown was sat in his throne with many beautiful girls.
The man takes with a person wearing a black and long coat with a hood.
He said to be anxious to make an according to with the Emperor and sooner possible get the beautiful flower from his garden and laughed. After he throws a small bag with coins for the person. The image got disappear well slowly, the flower came back to the golden box.
This is one of our secrets together with the painting and your ring and hairpin, all these elements can help a person be the most powerful in the world.
The painting with the ring is the gateway between past and future, the lotus flower shows the dangerous traps and the hairpin can give superpowers like agility, strong but there is a five-element disappeared many centuries ago from this secret pavilion, an amulet can make control the nature power: fire, water, air, and earth .second our family history can be discovered between the Fei clans.
The engagement with My son in law isn't just to impede Emperor Khan Akin to be your husband but also to avoid him get all these amulets and destroy the world.
The woman said these words with a fluttering voice and cried well low. Maymay knew her decision won't change only her life but from whole families. She needed to think so greatly about her destiny, now she had help also from an aunt and from Emperor, too.
The girl stayed during some mines reminding the happenings and after some minutes,exhausted she slept.