Adventure in the Forest

They had gone away from Brothel LuLu, but they had talked so much with Xi Zumin and the man had explained something about the dangerous creatures living in the forest, they were so mortal that numerous warriors and villagers had disappeared, some skeletons were discovered but no one knew what had happened.

On another side, a kid had survived and he had told about two disgusting and horrifying species of the forest that had caused tremendous fear in that child, a giant black and red spider that had enormous and poisonous stings and a serpent, so beautiful with gold and brilliant skin, two eyes made from ruby Stones and it could whistle so acute made all suffer from dizziness and faint so she devoured the poor victims.

He had escaped because a sorcerer had alerted to the danger so he had used ball wax and closed the ears like the man had taught but the others laughed so much and called the poor old man crazy. This villager was a kid in the ago and stayed hide into from a small hole in the ground made by his father and uncle where he could watch the fatal attack.

While others men and together with his uncle and dad were fishing, the treacherous spider had made a web that captured them.

The kid had gone out of his secret hideous running to warn them, but they already had been captured on the web and killed by a disgusting spider. He stayed quiet for hours until the insect slept and, Mingxi moved fast and told the villagers the horror had lived in the forest. this had happened almost 80 years ago but no one dared to go back to the place.

The people told the eyes and skin of the serpent could protect, the skin was so hard no one sword could drill it, eyes were ruby stones had the power of the vision of the future while the spider was the Guardian of Sacred golden lotus, a rare flower of Goddess Chani'E, but just who was her descendants could touch it.

The men know the weak points of the monsters, the serpent had a small cavity near from neck that could kill it, and the spider had fear of fire, which causes blindness in the enormous insect.