General Fei is Angry!

The men arrived in their destiny: the famous and spectacular Shanghai city, general Fei got accommodations for the men, an old farm from his grandfather where they could eat, wear some used clothes, and wait for him. The guy who had an important meeting with the Emperor, he had explained for the men who all could visit their families but now they will have more an option, be part of the Imperial Army, serve the country with payment, food, and training to be soldiers. The men decided to accept the proposal with enthusiasm, so they waited for summoned by Imperial Army that it would be in some days.

General Fei and his partner Captain Li Xiao went to his new Mansion, a spacious and beautiful building given like a gift of the wedding by the Emperor. The luxurious, beautiful place had an exotic garden with colorful fish, a green and transparent lake with white Lotus, and a couple of white swans symbolizing the union from families Fei and Zhang.

After they have arrived and eaten some beverages and drank a delicious refreshment made from strawberries, the men started a conversation with closed doors.

"Bestie, why are so upset? What did happen?" Asked an interested Li Xiao facing the man.

After some minutes, thoughtful and unhappy, the notorious man known by his stone face and be a bloody and heartless warrior, answered with a hoarse and painfully voice.

"I discovered that my wife is own Goddess of Moon reincarnated, she has supernatural powers, my engagement was a lie because I'm a simple, rude General and my abilities are from a fighter, a swordsman, good strategist. She is above me, a deity that came from the Celestial Kingdom. My heart is broken, I need to know the reasons that she agreed to get married to me. I'm feeling so dizzy, perplexed."

The guy stood up and walked to the balcony, watching the colorful flowers and the wonderful sunset, orange, golden and pink disappearing behind the Blue Mountains, between the simple houses of villages near his luxury Villa.

Li Xiao was feeling very compassionate by his friend, the guy knows how much in love Fei was with the gorgeous, princess Zhang Maylee.

"Do you remember the predictions of Monk of Golden Temple? You remembered that he told about a General together with his wife, a Goddess would win and destroyed the terrible Evil, Demon Dragon and the Peace would reign in the whole country C and Zhukan?"

General Fei looked astonished at his partner and he understood the prediction.

" You are right, I need to think about each word told by the monk because I will use it in the future. The answer about my engagement can be answered by my father, but maybe what the monk told be the key to save my dear wife.

After almost two hours talking about all had happened the men decided to go for their bedrooms and sleep.After all, the prince had an important meeting with the Emperor and all can be solved.