Revamp/Everything Since I'm very lazy

I, Uesugi Fuutarou, used to have this punk phase in my life, but ever since I met her, I wanted to improve myself. I wasn't well off in the least and I was studying to be able to provide for my family. I always felt like meeting her again, but I haven't. Right now I'm in highschool and the best in every subject. I'm number 1, but it never really seemed like it was enough. I bought my food and went over to my super special, completely empty, table. The thing is a red-haired girl with star accessories in her hair put her tray down at the exact same time. That's when it all started.

     "That seat over there is empty. I was here first." I didn't recognize the girl for a second until I got a brief glimpse of a memory of mine.

     Welcome to the Dating Sim System, here you will make five girls fall for you. You will make choices and play minigames to try and increase their affection towards you. Failing to do so will result in money loss, or in extreme cases…..death. 

     'You have to be kidding me! I have to make 5 girls fall in love with me or else I will lose money and or possibly die!' 

No, you leave. I always sit here. 

Sorry, but I always sit here and I didn't mean to intrude on such a beautiful girl such as yourself.

Go to hell. I always sit here, so why don't you do us both a favor and move.

I'm sorry, but I sit here. We could share the table. A beautiful girl such as yourself wouldn't mind, right?

     'What the hell! Welcome to….Dating Sim….great just great. Okay then, Itsuki Nakano. That's her name. A and C seem rude, even if I kind of want to say those to her. B is kind of creepy, the only somewhat normal one is D.' I pushed option D and the words came out without me needing to actually make an effort. 

     "I'm sorry, but I sit here. We could share the table. A beautiful girl such as yourself wouldn't mind, right?" Her face turned red as we both sat down. I started to review my exam and study since it would be even more awkward if we just stared at each she's doing right now. 

     "I-I guess that you m-must be a bit bad in academics, if you're reviewing during lunch. H-How about we study together?" She took my exam without asking. Yeah, she is not in for a very nice surprise. Her face became even brighter, I could say confidently that it could light up a room.

     "100%! You can tutor me! Fuutarou, please at least teach me a bit!" Everything stopped like before and I was left with four options.

I can try, but I'm going to need something in return for my time.

Of course, that'd be lovely. 

No, piss off. I have a lot more important things to do.

[Act like she didn't say anything]

     'So this is my life now…...she does have a lot on her tray. She's probably pretty well off, so I guess I can do it as long as she pays me.'

     "I can try, but I'm going to need something in return for my time." It felt weird hearing my voice without actually feeling like I'm saying it.

     "O-Oh o-of course." Why is she turning red? 

     "Money, I'm talking about money." She calmed down and ate lunch as Raiha, younger sister, sent me a message. Itsuki had introduced herself and even shared a bit of her meal.

     "Hello? Really, a well-off family wants me to tutor for….that much! Thanks, we'll be able to eat normally now. Bye," Itsuki seemed a bit strange after my phone call.

     "So who was that? Your girlfriend?" Oh her affection meter is pretty high now.

     "No, it was my younger sister. She was telling me about a tutor job that my dad found for me. Anyways, we have to get to class." I headed over since I could still hear the whispers from other people. There would definitely be rumors by the time we made it back to class. The thing is, Itsuki followed right behind me. There was talk about a new transfer student, but it couldn't be her….right? I was wrong and so wrong indeed. Raiha told me that the girl I would tutor would be in the same grade and that she was in the same school. It was Itsuki Nakano, wasn't it? I went with Itsuki to tutor her since she wanted to get started right away. She must be pretty studious so why does she need a tutor?

     "Are you following our sister?" Another girl that looked exactly like Itsuki with a stoic face grabbed my shoulder.

     "No, I was hired as a tutor and she asked me to tutor her. My name is Uesugi Fuutarou, it's nice to meet you." I brought out my hand only for it to be slapped out of the way by another girl that looked like Itsuki with butterfly accessories. 

     "We don't need one, so stop following Itsuki." She doesn't like me.

Affection Drop

Affection Drop

500 Yen lost

     'You have got to be kidding me! Nino and Miku….okay so their triplets.'

I am only here to do my job.

I am only here to help out a friend.

I want to help out a beautiful girl that, so graciously asked me.

Piss off, I'm here to do something, so I'll be doing it.

     'A and B seem a bit weird. Would saying those two drop Itsuki's affection score? D is a no go. B is weird, but…..fine.'

     "I want to help out a beautiful girl that, so graciously asked me." 

Affection Increase

Affection Increase

Affection Drop

     'Nino's affection score dropped even lower while Miku's and Itsuki's rose. Damn it, what do I do?'

     "I asked him and he'll be helping all of us. Dad called me earlier about it, besides all 5 of us need help." I'm supposed to teach 5? They're quintuplets, this will not be easy.

     "There's no problem with him coming to teach us, but not all of us will be on board." Their stinking rich! They live in such a luxurious building! Their place is so big and nice! Nino went to the kitchen while I went to the bedrooms of the other two with Itsuki and Miku. 

     "Hello? I'm here to tutor you." The fourth one was energetic and had a ribbon on.

     "My name is Yotsuba Nakano, it's nice to meet you!" She reminds me of someone.

My name is Uesugi Fuutarou. It's nice to meet you.

I remember you from five years ago!

Nice to see you again, old friend.

Come study with us.

     'The memories came rushing back as I instinctively clicked on B.'

     "I remember you from five years ago!" She stepped back a bit with a sad look, "So you remember. I'm sorry I couldn't keep our promise. I-I," She started to cry and despite the options that popped up, I did what came natural. I hugged her tightly, "You have my help now, so don't worry about it. You can still make good on our promise." It sort of slipped out. She turned red and her affection went up way higher than before. Miku's went up higher and Itsuki's went a tiny bit lower. Was she jealous? 

     "O-Okay, I'll work extra hard!" She was back to her normal self. All that was left was the fifth sister. I went to her room and found a pigsty with a bunch of different things all around. The fifth sister in question was covered in her blanket…..naked! 

     "Get her to study please...I can't be here." They all agreed while I just went to sit outside. 

     "Hey Uesugi, would I look good in this?" Nino knocked on the door as I left, "They'd look great on you, but I have to go." I left with Miku and Itsuki, who went to the table downstairs. Nino entered Ichika's room to which she screamed for me to come.

     "How dare you go into my sister's room while she's naked! This calls for a punishment, leave and never come back!" She was being way too unreasonable. Her argument was easily torn down by Yotsuba, Miku, Itsuki, and Ichika. Nino calmed down and gave us all cookies while giving me a cup of water. She's being too nice to me now, the system told me something.

     Drugged Water- drinking this will cause you to sleep immediately.

     Cookies- cookies baked with love, they were meant for her sisters.

     'She was planning to drug me.'

     "Don't drink that!" Miku yelled. So she knew what Nino was planning. Miku does have a pretty high affection score, so I guess I got lucky with both the system and Miku warning me.

     "I already know, it's drugged water to make me sleep. I'm not stupid, escape with the sudden change in attitude. These won't work for you." Nino stood up and went to the kitchen table. 

Affection Drop

150 Yen lost

     "Alright let's get to studying." I had made a quiz for them to take, so I could see where they were all at. They all scored a different score and didn't get the same questions wrong. They still scored really low. They needed a tutor, lucky for them I'm here.

     "We'll start off with your strongest subjects, then move on to the weaker ones. Good job Itsuki, Miku, you both scored the highest with Nino close behind. Yotsuba, Ichika, I'm sure you two can catch up easily." These options are things I need to think about. I noticed that some have a timer to them which doesn't really make me feel great.

Affection Increase 

Affection Increase 

Affection Increase

Affection Increase

Affection Slight Increase

800 Yen acquired

     "Alright, I can help you out right now and make some homework for you all to do." I stayed there for a long time before it got dark, so I went back home. This wasn't going to be easy, but maybe I'll be fine.

Chapter 1: Huh

     I didn't notice until I got home that Itsuki, Miku, and Yotsuba had followed me all the way there.

Why did you guys follow me?

You could have just asked to walk me home.

If you missed me so much, you should have just said.


     "Why did you guys follow me?" It was the less creepy and or romantic option. I know I'm supposed to make them fall for me, but I'm pretty sure constant romantic comments will go stale on them.

     "U-Um….it was Itsuki's idea!" Yotsuba threw her sister under the bus here, huh.

     "Miku told me to help her out!" Poor Miku, the quietest and most introverted out of all of them. She was one of the nicest once you got to know her. I saw that she did like a certain part of history more than others, but she got a question wrong about it. She was the one who told me that fact….strange. Right now, she was squirming and blushing like crazy.

Good job, I missed you too.

I love you.

I have no problem, if it was Miku's idea.

I have no problem with it, if it was one of your ideas.

     'Does jealousy increase the affection score? I won't be picking option A or B. Let's try and not pick an option and instead try to say something.' I made the mistake of trying to wave the options away and accidentally clicked option C.

     "I have no problem, if it was Miku's idea." 

Huge Affection Increase [Miku]

Affection Increase [Yotsuba]

Affection Increase [Itsuki]

     I guess that jealousy does make the affection score increase. Good to know.

     "No fair! I met you first! You're mine!" Itsuki was very aggressive with her approach.

     "I met him for the first time 5 years ago and we made a promise! He's mine!" Yotsuba did not look like she wanted to lose this fight. Miku looked like she wanted to faint but she had a huge smile plastered on her face.

     "I think that he chose me already." Miku spoke up!

     "I was just…..I have to get home. You three take a cab and go home. It's getting really late." Safest option is to not bring it up. The affection score would go down if I had rebuttaled or taken any sides. They reluctantly did while I ran home, the system apparently just makes it so I don't need sleep. I also had infinite stamina, I should start working out. I could definitely abuse this to become stronger physically along with mentally. I did and spent the whole night working out with the help of my dad's advice. I could definitely feel the difference already since I spent the whole night working out in exercises that are stamina consuming. I can probably get to normal physical fitness soon, possibly even tomorrow. I got a little tidbit of information about Miku, once I got to school. She likes warriors from the Sengoku period, it started when she played this game and she fell down the rabbit hole. I decided to use my system to my advantage since I could recall everything better than before, I borrowed all the books on that period and memorized it all. I'm a pretty fast reader, if I do say so myself. The thing is, I found a card from Miku telling me to meet her on the roof. This isn't...could it be the fabled loved letter into the confession….it feels nice to have possibly gotten one, but it's nothing. I still went since if I didn't I would have to be heartless.

     "I guess I fell for an old trick." As if on cue, Miku opens the door while quizzing me on trivia from the Sengoku period. The snot one was a bit weird, but easy nonetheless. It all happened in the form of a trivia game which I liked quite a bit.

Affection Increase

     "I'll work my hardest….I must be so weird to like the Sengoku period….and the old men…I'm really dumb…...I'm not….smart….I'm just stupid. Hehehe you probably don't understand." She does have a lot of confidence. I do understand. Options popped up, but I felt like ignoring them for what I wanted to say with every part of my being.

     "I used to get 0's on all my tests. The absolute worst student in all my classes. I only wanted to play around, but I changed thanks to Yotsuba. You can change too, I promise you. Believe in me and in yourself. I think you're pretty great already." I managed to say what I wanted instead of what the system wanted.

Huge Affection Increase

     "I will….I'll do it!" She had a fire burning in her eyes as she ran down the stairs, only to stop for a bit since she was tired. 

     "Maybe, try not to run down stairs. It can get tiring when you do that." Miku is probably the weakest physically out of the five. We regrouped with Itsuki, Yotsuba, and surprisingly Nino, and Ichika. Ichika was very flirtatious, but she was also a bit lazy while Nino just hated me. Ichika also seemed a bit strange to me 

     "Time to study!" Once everyone else was doing something and were focused, I decided to question Ichika.

     "I met you five years ago too. I can tell." This was an option which made sense to me since they looked exactly alike.

     "H-how did you know?!" I could tell that she was very good at acting, but this was genuine. 

     "I don't know, I just can. You can also stop acting all the time, it's a bit strange." The system really helps me focus on the smallest of details. She pulled me out to the balcony. 

     "I can't, I have to be the mature one. I have to protect them….what am I good for if I can't." I rubbed her head which was one of the options.

     "You're more than good enough. Besides, you are the most mature out of all of them. You are very precious to them. I'm sure they can understand that Ichika isn't the most mature all the time." I could see a few tears falling from her eyes as she hugged me.

Tremendous Affection Increase 

     "You're too good to be real." We stayed there for a minute before she let go. The others didn't even notice we were gone as they were all busy and Nino was cooking.

     "Fuutarou, I finished." Miku turned in the homework and actually got better by 3 points. Itsuki and Yotsuba were next and I was super surprised to see Yotsuba increase her score by 6 while Itsuki increased her score by 2. They had made some improvements, especially Yotsuba. She's almost caught up with Ichika's old score. Ichika on the other hand took the homework more seriously as she improved by 3.5. She seemed motivated, but Nino hasn't been taking it too seriously. 

     "Nino, you know the faster you understand all the material...the faster I'll be out of all your hair." I winked at the other four. Nino immediately started to focus and increased her score by 2. Good, that's some progress to work with. I probably won't be getting out of their hair for a while even if they memorized all the textbooks. Their affection score seems too high to have them want to leave me alone anyways.

     "Good job, all of you. I mean it, at this rate you'll be passing all your classes." 

Affection Increase

Affection Increase

Affection Increase

Affection Increase

Slight Affection Increase

Total= 3,500 Yen

     "How about you all take a break next time we study, not too long or short, just a break. You can't be overexerting yourselves, then I would feel bad/responsible." 

Affection Increase [Nino]

     I ran home since I could now and made it to exercise for the rest of the time. I always made sure Raiha was asleep along with dad now since I didn't want them messing up anything. I would work out after I finished preparing an assignment for the quintuplets and spend the rest of my time working out. I felt better than ever before and could actually see some muscle already. I might not be last now! 

     "Morning!" Ichika was already in front of my face once I opened the door. 

     "Raiha, I think we should move to another address!" I hoped that Ichika wasn't on the other side as she of course was with a pout. 

     "Is this the girl you've been tutoring? She's seemed so nice!" I could tell that Ichika had already become attached to Raiha.

     "You two have to get to school, so go!" She pushed me out while handing me my stuff.

     "Why are you here and how did you find out where I live?" 

     "I have my ways and besides many boys would kill to be walked to school with a beautiful girl. Come on, show me a smile." She seemed genuine after what happened yesterday. It made her seem very…..she was sparkling.

     "Yeah, yeah. Come on, we can't be late." I started to run while Ichika stayed close behind me.

     "Wait….up! I'm tired!" Oh yeah the whole infinite stamina thing.

     "Sorry, I've been working out lately. I wanted to test some things out." She seemed a bit impressed as we walked the rest of the way there. 

     "I'm impressed to see you working out. I expected that you would just go with intense studying for a long time." That was the plan until I met Itsuki.

     "Yeah, but being able to run for a long time has its perks." We reached the school and separated.

     Tutorial End: From now on, no more help will be given.

     'What help?' We separated and went to our classes. Itsuki was in front of the classroom looking like she was waiting for something.

     "Hello, looks like we arrived at the same time." No, you were clearly waiting by the door. Probably best not to say that.

     "I guess we did," I opened the door for her.

     "Itsuki! Did you do what you needed to outside!" Busted, she's turning red. I'm just going to pretend that I didn't hear what I just heard. The school day went pretty well as we met up during breaks and studied while Yotsuba denied the athletic clubs since she needed to study. I was pretty surprised, as Yotsuba was the most athletic and was probably a dream come true for any sports team/club. I knew this because I was around the corner while this was all happening. 

     "I can't…..I have to study and keep my promise. I'm sorry, I can help you out, but I can't join." They begged her until Yotsuba got the point across that she wouldn't be joining. I did feel happy that she was taking this, so seriously. I acted like I was just barely walking around the corner as Yotsuba crashed into me.

     "Oh hey, Uesugi! Are we going to go study?" 

     "Yeah, come on." I haven't been sleeping at all and have been doing a lot. We went to their place after school and after a good while of studying, they all left except Miku and Nino.

     "So, you're into dull boys?" 

     "You're just shallow. What's inside is important." So she's saying that I'm dull.

     "How about a little competition? Besides, you haven't had lunch." How does she know that? They spent quite some time going all around to cook. Miku made Omurice while Nino made a Dutch Baby (Not sure what that is). Appearance wise, Nino definitely won, but the taste is important. I started to eat both and I have to say….

     "So, which one is better?" Nino seems confident.

     "I don't want to hear it." Miku turned her back on me.

     "They've both delicious. They seem to be on the same level." Miku turned and hugged me while Nino did not seem happy. I finished them both before standing up and making my way to clean the dishes.

Affection Increase 

Slight Affection Increase 

     "I hate you, I wish you were never born! I wish you would disappear!" Her eyes were red. Miku went to do some things while saying that I will be able to make her give me a chance to properly teach her. I went to the entrance of the entire building since it was getting late, but it seems like Nino forgot her key.

     "I don't want to see your face anymore! They're all so stupid. I hate them so much!" Her eyes were red still. She definitely forgot her key.

     "I think it's the opposite, you love them too much. You just hate that I've invaded, sorry I guess. I have a job to do and I really do care about you five." 

Affection Increase

Affection Increase 

     "Come on, Nino." Miku came to get Nino. They both left while I went back to my place.

Chapter 2: Vacation

     Quest: Make Raiha happy.

     Reward: 10,000 Yen

     'Well I wasn't exactly focusing on my actual vacation, so I guess this is a good alternative.' 

     "Hello, we've come to deliver your payment for the days that you've tutored us." Everyone, even Nino, was at my place. Maybe if I don't move, they'll go away.

     "Hello, are you coming with us to the mall?" Raiha, you betrayed me.

     "Yes!" They fell for her charms. Goodbye, Sunday. We spent a lot of time there playing games, it ended with a photo. 

Affection Increase 

Affection Increase 

Affection Increase 

Affection Increase 

Affection Increase 

     "Wanna come with us to the festival with us? First, we have to change into our yukatas and turn in the homework you gave us." Yeah, I guess I did give them a bit to work on. I also made some at home for them to work on once the vacation is over.

     "Wow, you all got better by 1 point! Except you Nino!" Nino tried to get away, but she was quickly captured by the rest of her sisters. She was made to do the homework which didn't take very long and got a better score by 1.5 points. We all went after they changed, they had also changed their hair slightly.

     "W-What do you think?" Yotsuba asked. I saw all of them squirm and look at me aside from Nino.

You all look great.

You look alright.


Amazing, but let's go. We don't want to miss the fireworks.

     "Amazing, but let's go. We don't want to miss the fireworks." The one that'll cause the least amount of trouble for me.

Affection Increase

Affection Increase

Affection Increase

Affection Increase

Affection Increase

     "Wow, so much food!" We split off to buy food while Raiha and Yotsuba played a ton of games. Nino paid for a place to watch the fireworks from, so…..where is everyone? Wait, Nino is over there….why her?

     "Hold onto this. Take me towards the rooftop and I'll find everyone and take them there." Nino didn't really seem to want to, but it was her best option. I left her on the rooftop and went all around as I spotted Itsuki.

     "Itsuki, I need you. Come with me!" Shit that was misleading.

Affection Increase

     "W-W-W-What!" I just grabbed her hand and took her to Nino while I went over to find the rest. Raiha and Yotsuba were next, I got lucky they were playing some games. 

     "Come with me towards where Nino is." They seemed to be having fun as Miku and Ichika were the only ones left. Miku was limping towards a random direction when I found her. 

     "Someone stepped on me and now I can't walk right." I figured.

Princess Carry 


     "Can you carry me?" That was too short of a timer!

     "Uhh what kind of carry?" She made me put my hands out as she told me to carry her like this. 

     "Princess carry," Her affection will go down, if I refuse. I princess carried her towards Nino which prompted.

Affection Increase 

Affection Increase

Affection Increase 

Slight Affection Drop

     "She hurt her foot, so stay here with her. I'll go find Ichika." 

     "You only have 20 minutes, so find her quickly!" I gave them a thumbs-up as I left. After a good while of running all around, Ichika found me and took me to an alley.

     "I can't watch the fireworks with you. Tell them that I'm sorry. You shouldn't even be involved in this, you're just our tutor. Oh did you think I had feelings for you?" The affection score makes it seem like that, but I knew from the beginning that it wasn't high enough just yet.

     "Of course not, but I'm not just your tutor. I'm your partner, so at least tell me the reason." She put on the fake smile again. 

     "I work as an actor and this could be my big break, tell them I'm sorry." We walked towards the car where her manager would pick her up. The taxi still hadn't arrived so Ichika handed me the script and background.

     "Congratulations on graduating." We were acting out the scene.

     "Teacher, thank you for all those times. I'm really glad to have had you as my teacher." She gave me a fake smile. It pissed me off so much that I grabbed her face, "What did I tell you? No more fake smiles. No more acting, no more, you don't need to. You're amazing just the way you are. I'll apologize with you for not being able to take you back to the roof and for you ditching it. I'm your partner, never forget that!" The words slipped out, so naturally despite the options listed. These were my words.

Tremendous Affection Increase

Huge Affection Increase

Affection Increase

Slight Affection Increase

     "I love you." Is that in the script? A honk was heard as Ichika left with a red face, but with a genuine smile.

[Ichika POV]

     How does everyone else smile again? 

     'No more fake smiles. No more acting, no more, you don't need to.' Fuutarou….

     "Ichika Nakano." I went up thinking back to….him, "Teacher, thank you for all those times. I'm really glad to have had you as my teacher. I'm so happy that I got to be your student." My manager drove me back towards the festival.

     "I took a peak at the scores, and you're definitely getting the part! I never knew you could smile like that! Was it that guy from before the reason?" I couldn't answer that. I….love...Fuutarou…..

[Fuutarou POV]

     She's back, well time to apologize.

     "We're sorry about everything!" They forgave rather easily as we used the cheap sparklers together. It got dark soon and Ichika wanted me to lay on her lap.

     "Why? I don't get sleepy." Take it as a joke, please!

     "Just do it." She's smiling genuinely now, I'm glad. I did as she said and felt something on my cheek. I turn to see her inches from my face.

     "A-Ah." No options this time around. The distance between us closed slightly as we were close, too close. Yotsuba didn't see the interaction, but did startle her enough to make her separate. They soon had to leave, as I carried Raiha on my back. Ichika stayed behind to thank me for apologizing with her, but before I could react….she kissed me. Not for a very long time, maybe about 15 seconds, but it was something new.

     "Bye!" She ran away. They were all gone, so I could definitely run home extremely quickly. 

     "I hope you had fun, Raiha."

     Quest Complete: Make Raiha happy.

     Reward: 10,000 Yen

Chapter 3: Midterms

     I guess she was happy, but wait this says that she was happy 9 hours ago before we even went to the mall. Once we went back to school, there was a difference in Ichika. She still walked to school with me and was the same, but didn't tease me as much as before and when she did try, she would get embarrassed.

     "Hey Uesugi, get the email addresses of all 5 girls." She handed me her phone. Checkmate already, she can't quantify my power! I copied the email addresses of the five from her phone and gave it back to her.

     "Done. Never underestimate me, looks like your whole plan failed." I got close to her face and smirked. She pouted and blushed like crazy.

     "D-Dang it, looks like y-you win this time." Did she just stutter? 

Aw, your stuttering is adorable.

Come on, let's go to school.

About that kiss...

Wanna grab a bite later?

     "About that kiss..." She blushed and looked away.

     [Miku, Yotsuba, Itsuki, and Ichika ready for relationship evolution] 

     "We can talk about that later." 

     "Alright, see you later!" She kissed my cheek before running away, again. Relationship evolution? Does that mean their affection score is high enough for them to date me? The rest of them ended up kissing me on the lips when they were alone with me, except Nino. I went to study with everyone at their place like usual, but Nino was still in her room, so I was employed to bring her out, alone.

     "What are you doing here?" Nino was planning to pierce her ears.

     "Can you….help?" I had experience with this stuff back when I was younger. I dyed my hair blonde and wore earrings back then. 

     "Sure, but it'll hurt." I knew from experience.

     "How would you know?" I took out my student handbook and handed it to her to show her the picture of what I used to look like.

     "This guy….is totally my type! Wait, this is Yotsuba…" It hasn't clicked in her mind yet.

     "This was the old me before I met Yotsuba and Ichika. I was worse off than you five."

Huge Affection Increase 

Affection Increase

     [Nino ready for relationship evolution. Achievement: Made Five Girls Fall For You! 35,000 Yen acquired. Harem Master Skill acquired.]

     "Let me do your piercings real quick." It was easy and hurt her only a tiny bit since I had some experience with it already. Nino took me outside and poured me a glass of water and force fed it to me. I fell asleep really quickly and found myself tied up.

     "Uesugi, you're safe just don't overreact." I was let loose and my blindfold was taken off.

     "What was that for!"

     "We've decided that since we all want you….that we will all date you." Harem Mas...ter, damn it.

     "Please go out with us!" They said in unison. I didn't even notice that I already fell for them.

     "Gladly," The less creepy option there was.

     "Yes!" They all kissed me on the lips, as we started to study. What….the hell is my life now?

No clue how long Time Skip

     The midterms are next week and I have five girlfriends, they each want to get ahead of the other when it comes to my attention, but they're working even harder than before. Their scores are getting up there, but is one week enough? No, it will be enough, but they're working too hard right now. They'll stress themselves out and end up getting a bad score if they keep this up.

     "How about we go on a date?" They tensed up for a second. They probably think it's some sort of test.

Affection Increase 

Affection Increase 

Affection Increase 

Affection Increase 

Affection Increase

     "N-No we're f-fine. We have to s-study." If this was any other time, then I would have teared up. 

     "No, I'm not taking no for an answer. This isn't a test, I just want to treat my….girlfriends for their hard work." I had quite a lot of money to spare with everything and now I could say that I had money to use for myself.

     "R-really?" They trembled a bit. I slammed the table for dramatic effect, "Of course, I love you all." They finally stood up and grabbed my shirt as we went to get food and relax for that day. At the end, their father called Itsuki.

     "He wants to speak to you." She was definitely nervous.

     "Did you tell him?" They all shook their heads, which meant this is about my job.

     "Hello Fuutarou, I'm just here to inform you that if any of them get a failing grade, then you'll be fired. See you." A new problem to deal with now.

     "I'll be preparing something for tomorrow, so don't worry too much for the midterms, but study." I can't add pressure to them or else I'll just make their grades drop.

     "Okay, so where to next?!" We had a really fun date in the end and I got ready to make them their study guides for the test. I poured everything I had in my mind to make them and I felt confident in them. That was when I started to work out and then sleep for a bit. I didn't need it, but I found it relaxing, sort of like a massage. It was a lot to handwrite, but it wasn't too hard. They seemed intimidated, but ready as I also prepared tests to see what they needed help on. It was a lot of studying and improving, but the day soon came. We did some extra studying early since we were early. We all went our separate ways to the midterms, but not before they all kissed me for good luck. We would meet in the library once we got the scores back

Week Time Skip (I do know this time)

     "W-We all got at least 40 on our exams! We passed!" Itsuki got a call from her father, I'm so ready to laugh at his face.

     "Before I answer, I have to apologize for not telling you the condition I was given. Your father said that I had to make sure you all got a passing score or else I would have to be fired. I'm sorry." They hugged me way too tightly and let me take the phone call.

     "I expect to hear good news, so how did they do?" 

Hahaha, they all passed in your face!

They all passed.

They did great, they've made a lot of improvement. They passed, sir.

     'I'm going with A even if it is rude!'

     "Hahaha, they all passed in your face!" I saw Itsuki fall off her chair from what I just said.

     "You are an interesting one, so is there anything else you should tell me?" Should I tell him?

     "We're all dating him now!" Nino spoke up. I put him on speaker 

     "All five of you? You have to split up or else. I'll fire Fuutarou for what he has done. Do it now or else." I figured this route would be taken.

     "Even if you don't approve we love him with all our hearts and want to marry him!" They weren't going to take no for an answer.

     "Fuutarou, how do you feel about my daughters?" 

     "I love them for every fiber of my being. I want to stay with them forever. Fire me, if you want, but I won't stop dating them." He went dead silent for a good 2 minutes.

     "Okay, I trust you. I hear the conviction and resolve in your voice. Call me 'Dad' from now on. Treat my daughters well or else you'll find yourself in a deep grave. You still have to prove yourself to me or else I won't approve of you." I'm not getting fired!

     "Thank you, and you don't need to tell me. I wouldn't dream of hurting your daughters." He hung up on me and saw how red they all were. 

Chapter 4: Camp

     "Uesugi! There's this guy that wants to talk to me after school, but I have work so I can't go. Miku, please help him out." Well I can already assume what this is. 

     "Please dance with me at the campfire!" There's a legend that those who hold hands at the campfire will be together forever.

     "I-I'm sorry, but I already promised Uesugi." She held my arm.

     "But he's so dull and weak! He has no business here." He tried to push me out, but I didn't budge since he wasn't stronger than me.

     "I actually do, I'm her boyfriend." He staggered back as he challenged me to an arm wrestle.

     "I don't need to. She's my girlfriend, so if you don't mind, we'll be leaving." I ended up doing it anyways because he was too insistent.

     "I win." I've gotten really strong, I guess. This was super easy. We left a heartbroken boy in the classroom as we finally relaxed.

     "That guy was pushy. I guess Ichika gets these a lot." Miku seemed pretty down.

     "Yeah, but you all have your own charms." I kissed her for emphasis. She was a smiling mess once we separated. We went to buy clothes for the trip while I made the mistake of assuming they were doing the same only to find out they were buying undergarments.

     "I-If y-you really want to….." 

     "I'm going home, I need to pack." I got a call from Dad telling me that Raiha was sick.

     "I'll buy some extra medicine, Dad says he'll be able to take care of her during my trip, but…." I stayed up while taking care of her. Dad came in and told me that I could still possibly make it, but Raiha….stood up like she was never sick. My five girlfriends all showed up at my door, they had a car for us to take to camp. I had to dance with Ichika during the campfire to fool the guy that asked Michika(Miku in disguise). I'll still be dancing with all of them, but not close to every student. We played a game to pass the time, in which I won 10/20 rounds which was really good. I also got some extra money from it, but the thing is that there was a snow storm. We had to stay at a hotel to not get caught in it. I looked through my things since I was looking for my cards, but instead found it and a charm from Raiha. She made it for me, so I could be safe on the trip. The 5 were huddled in the corner and I decided to ask them to play cards with me.

     "Let's do it!" They all scrambled a bit.

     "If it's……" Options appeared that I would rather not say. Good thing there was still a normal option.

     "What are you talking about? I bought some cards, so let's play." They all hit their heads on the wall before playing. What's with them? We played a couple of times and went to bed. When I woke up, I found all five of them clinging to one part of my body. It was both arms, legs, and my chest. I can't move at all! 

     "Morning!" They all woke up, with a lot of drowsiness.

     "Morning…" They still haven't gotten off of me, "This is a soft and comfortable pillow…." They all looked at it to see their pillow was actually alive.

     "Uesugi, you dog!" Ichika don't make this worse! Oh wait, she's blushing me a lot, they all are.

     "You guys are the ones that clung to me! I didn't do anything!" They seemed relieved, but also a little sad. The guy from before asked me for advice, but I didn't really have much other than go all out. My haunted forest activity (that I needed to do for Itsuki) was a huge success until Itsuki got lost. I found her after running around the forest.

     "Hey, you really aren't good with scary things. Come on, I'll show you the way back." She took my hand and clinged to me. I had a wig on that reminded me of back then and I felt pretty good for such an exhausting day. I'll sleep for fun!

     "Raiha told me that you either haven't been sleeping, or that you haven't been sleeping a lot….is it because of us?" We were getting close to camp, but not close enough for me to ignore the question.

    "I've got a lot to do, but I've been taking care of myself too. Trust me." We arrived back as I went to rejoin Yotsuba, she was helping me with the haunted forest. I helped get the logs ready, but somehow found myself stuck with Ichika in the place where we put them. I made a small fire, so we could stay warm since I gave Ichika my jacket.

     "You heard about the legend, right? The one about the people, who dance at the bonfire being binded together for life. It sounds really nice, don't you think?" I wasn't sure if Ichika knew about it.

     "Yeah….Fuutarou should I quit school for acting? I know you might think that it's selfish, but it's my dream."

     "I would be sad, but as long as I can see you it'll be fine. I think you're more than good enough to balance both in my opinion. I believe in you, but if you want to, then I won't stop you." She stood up from the place she was sitting and brought out her hand.

     "Let's let this be our bonfire!" We danced around until one of the logs fell and caused the sprinklers to go off. We got soaked and Miku and Itsuki found us. 

     "No fair! We want to dance too." They both pouted as I finished dancing with Ichika. Itsuki was next up since she won the rock-paper-scissors match against Miku, so we would be dancing. We had to move or else we would get in trouble, but otherwise we were fine.

     "Where did you learn to dance?" It was a minigame, but I also learned from books.

     "I read and practiced for occasions like this." I smiled since I was enjoying myself, and soon it was Miku's turn.

     "No, I think I'll pass...I'm probably no good at dancing." She tried backing away, but I grabbed her hand and got close.

     "Miku, you are and were the smartest of the quintuplets. You're amazing, and I'm not just saying that as your boyfriend, but as your friend, tutor, and partner. Have more self-esteem and confidence. Besides, you have me to teach you the steps." She kissed me as we started to slow dance. Miku stepped on my foot twice, but I just said that I messed up. I love her and I don't want to see her beating herself up over small things. No one's perfect.

     "Love you, Uesugi." I said it back as we hugged. 

     "You can try out as many recipes on me as you like." She seemed pumped to be able to make me taste test her food. We returned without any trouble and soon morning came. Ichika had gotten sick from being wet for so long while I felt mostly fine. I couldn't stay with her, but she came out to ski with everyone which was interesting until I got the options. She was actually Itsuki in disguise. I decided to play along as Itsuki 'disappeared', so we went to go look for her. 'Ichika' and I were looking for her on the ski lift.

     "I think that's Itsuki." 

     "Huh? I don't think it is." I was pointing at a man and she was only looking in his general direction.

     "Your eyes aren't good when you're without your glasses. I found you Itsuki." 

     "My eyes aren't that bad!" She was blushing. She's so cute, I love her.

     "I just wanted to get even closer to you….I didn't mean for them to get worried…." I kissed her before I rested my head on her shoulder. I feel weird….? 

[Third Person POV]

     The Quintuplets saw Fuutarou's notebook with everything he had done on this trip. They felt their hearts ache and their love for him only grew as they decided to sneak into his room. They managed to sneak past the teachers, and turned on the lights since the teachers had to go take care of something. They placed their hands on top of his hand and thanked him for everything he had done for them.

     "I love you. You must've endured so much for us. I want to hear everything about you. I want to live my life with you." They said in scary unison.

     "Man, you five can be noisy sometimes. I can't say that I hate that about you. I love you too." He gave them the most genuine and happy smile they had ever seen. This served to further their love for him. Fuutarou found himself in a hospital bed with the Quintuplets looking at him with expectant expressions which brightened when he woke up.

Chapter 5: Vaccine

[Fuutarou POV]

     This place sucks, but I can at least study and prepare things for them while I'm in here. They left a bit ago to get their vaccinations, but something tells me that the thing hiding behind my curtains isn't a medical device. I was mostly better and behind everyone's backs, I was working out. I think that the stress from not sleeping and sleeping in wet clothes came together to get me sick. I stood up and started to speak loudly, "Good they'll all gone, so now I can call my other 5 girlfriends!" Nino and Itsuki came from behind the curtains to hit me, but saw my smile and instantly knew.

     "How did he notice?" They fell to their knees and started to whine a bit about not wanting to get vaccinated. Suddenly, Yotsuba came in as Nino got caught while Itsuki hid somewhere.

     "Have you seen Itsuki?" Ichika get real close, "I think she went that way." I wasn't sure what I was talking about, but they believed it.

     "Are you really that afraid of getting vaccinated?" Itsuki came from where she was hiding and sat in the chair while motioning me to lay in the hospital bed again.

     "No, I just wanted to ask why you study so hard." I never told her what happened between me and Yotsuba, and Ichika. 

     "5 years ago, I met Yotsuba and at some point Ichika. They helped me realize what an idiot I was being, so I'm thankful to them. I wouldn't be here without them, but I guess you can say I owe all 5 of you." I got really close like Ichika did and smiled.

     "O-Oh really…" She closed the distance and kissed me before leaving to hopefully get vaccinated. Miku and Ichika came back while explaining that Yotsuba, Nino, and Itsuki were still getting their vaccinations.

     "We're here to nurse you back to health and show you the results of your help." So she did continue going to school, thank you.

     "Wow….this is…..not the best, but I see a lot of improvement." As soon as I finished, they stuffed bread, given to me by the nurses, into my mouth. They both tried to feed me and soon I was trying to fit two pieces of bread in my mouth. 

     "I could make you something, if you don't have an appetite for hospital food." They were still trying to stuff bread into my mouth and it doesn't seem like the other would give up.

     "I would love to do a taste test. Sorry about causing trouble for you all." I felt bad they had to use their charm to get me into a room like this and sort of paid for my stay here. They finished up and came to say goodbye despite some of them not wanting to leave. 

Chapter 6: I do

     It's been years since all that's happened. I think back to it and smile, I'm happy. I finished my school days as the top student and the Quints weren't too far behind. I enjoyed it all and now it's time for a day I'll remember for the rest of my life. My wedding day, we managed to figure out a way for all six of us to be married, so here we all are at the altar. 

     "Do you Uesugi Fuutarou take them to be your lawfully wedded wives?" No pop up had come up in a long time that it scared me when one did.

I do

Hell yeah

Fuck no

Of course

     "I do," We were married and soon their father and I had our 'last' confrontation.

     "Looks like in the end you managed to succeed." I just grinned at my success while relaxing. I looked down on my finger to see a single ring with an intricate pattern. Each of the Quints picked a piece of jewelry for us to wear once we got married and now they all had that one on. I had five of them on. I was fine with it since they didn't pick out anything super flashy. I'm happy and nothing can stop me now.

Harem Ending Completed





