"Cousin, the sorting is about to start," Rovina said. "Let's head down to the assembly hall."

Without a word, I nodded my head.


As I entered the assembly hall, I noticed Princess Hylia standing on the side of the room with her wooden leaf clipboard. I approached her and asked, "Oh, Princess Hylia. Do you need anything?"

She replied, "Yes, the Student Council President wanted to let you know that he has something important to discuss with you right now."

"Wait, right now?" I stared at her in surprise. "But the sorting is about to start, and I need to be there to welcome the new students."

Princess Hylia nodded. "The Student Council President has asked Lady Rovina to do it in your stead."

I turned to Rovina, my cousin, who was standing beside me. "Rove, are you fine with it?" I asked.

"Of course!" Rovina replied confidently.

"Alright, I'll be heading off then," I said, and Princess Hylia and I made our way to the Student Council's office.


Once inside the office, I addressed the Student Council President. "Cousin Sal, what do you want to discuss with me?"

He looked at me with a serious expression. "I heard that you requested a duel with the Vampire Prince."

"I had to do it; it's the only way to bring us back to the first rank," I reasoned.

Cousin Sal pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. "Princess, I know you're doing this for our kingdom, but we don't know what that vampire is capable of. I remember that your strength and powers were on par with each other. What if he has a secret skill that can overpower you?"

I smiled warmly at him. "Cousin Sal, I understand your concern, but I want you to trust in my strength, power, and skill. I have something up my sleeve that I haven't revealed to anyone yet."

Confused, he looked at me. "What do you mean? You haven't mentioned any other powers or skills."

"That's because it's my seventh hidden power," I explained. " This power grants me near-immortality and a range of unique abilities; What everyone thinks is that my wind element is permanently in me and that I can't separate it from my real body, like my mother. But the real deal is that I can. I can separate my wind element spirit from my original self, which made my hair turn brown while my eyes turn green like emeralds, and unlock an unusual power. A power that can turn me invisible, teleport, and control things, but this power only activates if I separate myself with all of my elemental spirits, which means these 3 hidden power of mine won't work if all the elements are within my body, and what I meant by near-immortality is that whenever I split into six bodies separating my original to the elements; whenever my elements are the one fighting instead of my original body, they will never die or get injured as long as my original body is far away from the danger and won't get hit, so it's more like if my original body dies, then my element bodies will also die, but if my original body isn't injured and alive, then that's the same with my element bodies.

That is why I'm confident with this battle, I hadn't use my 7th-hidden for a long time, but I know I can do this, after all, my element bodies won't get tired or get injured as long as my Original body isn't affected, so I just have to weaken that prince's stamina when the battle starts. I haven't used it in a long time, but I believe it will give me an advantage in the duel. Trust me, Cousin Sal."

He hesitated for a moment but then smiled. "Okay, although I still feel troubled because I don't want my younger cousin in danger, I will trust in your strength. Promise me you won't do anything reckless."

"I promise, Cousin Sal," I replied, raising my right hand to emphasize my commitment.

"Good," he said, then went back to sorting the papers.

"One more thing, cousin," I added. "Please don't tell my mother about the situation. I don't want her to worry."

He looked up at me and reassured me with a smile. "Don't worry, I wouldn't want to make Thy Majesty feel troubled."

"Thank you, cousin," I said gratefully, then left the office and hurried back to the assembly hall.


When I entered the hall, I noticed that some students were still in the center, indicating that their names hadn't been called yet for sorting. I saw Rovina standing in the corner, looking annoyed. I approached her and asked, "Rovina, is there something bothering you?"

She faced me, hesitating for a moment, but then sighed in defeat. "You know I'm ready

  to listen, right?"

She explained, "There's this discourteous ruby-haired boy who bumped into me earlier, causing me to fall flat on my face. He didn't even bother to apologize. And that arrogant 'Lord Vixor of Valoria' happened to witness the incident, using it as an opportunity to tarnish my name. If only that ruby-haired boy had watched where he was going, this wouldn't have happened, and that vampire marquess wouldn't have anything to use against me, even if his reasons are pure childishness. If I see that ruby-haired boy again, I'll definitely drag him to the depths of hell!"

I looked at her with concern, but before I could ask her any questions, she quickly turned her attention back to the platform, her expression darkening.

The headmistress called out a name, "Ryezon Rhys Revis."

"So this must be the guy you're talking about," I thought to myself. He appeared to be around our age, and his clothes seemed more like those from Earth. I wondered if he was one of those Enchantians whose parents decided to live there.

As I observed the platform, waiting to see which kingdom's flag would light up for him, I noticed an additional elemental symbol at the front of him. It belonged to my kingdom, Elementia.

"'Flag of Elementia, Symbol: Fuego'," I murmured to myself. It seemed he did belong to my kingdom, but his face was unfamiliar to me. I had thought I was aware of all the faces in my kingdom. Perhaps he was a recent arrival or a hidden citizen.

"Today's really not my day, huh?" Rovina muttered beside me, looking displeased.

"At least you'll have plenty of chances to sort out your problem with him," I suggested.

She sighed. "I guess so."

Rovina appeared upset about her incident, so I hoped everything would go smoothly. I also needed to find the records of the new student, as it was the kingdom's protocol to know the identity of each citizen to avoid suspicion, including those Enchantians who lived on Earth.