I stopped talking and went to grab a dusty book behind her, "The curse of kingdoms", then opened it to the page where the curse of Elementia was written and showed it to her.

She directly read everything and continuously scanned the pages

"How are you sure that all of this is true?? it could be just a myth or something, I mean it's 2000 years ago"

"Reapers have the ability to talk to souls, I read that in the forbidden section of the library in our kingdom," I explained to her

"what if the souls they communicate happened to be lying?" she said

"I also thought about that, that's why I did something risky before"

she just looked at me with a serious expression and cued me to continue

"I went back to the past"

"You what!?" she looked at me with disbelief

"I went back to the past, like time-traveling, by using the time stone"

"H-how!? you can't teleport to a place you haven't seen before right?"


"and the time stone is heavily guarded by the headmistress in Spectre and I heard that the time stone only activates time traveling every after 25 years" she continued

"Okay I'll explain, about getting inside the place where the time stone was guarded, Older-cousin Soprana, helped me get inside, you know how smart she is, she even memorized the secret passages in Spectre, and when I reach the room where the stone is, I noticed three barriers surrounding it, so I teleported in it, and don't worry, Cousin Soprana didn't go inside the room with me, so she didn't figure out about my 7th powers. For the time-traveling activation, that time was already the 25th year, you know how I know? I asked mother about this and she is the one who told me about it," I explained

"so, you really saw how everything started..."

"yes...and witnessing the whole scene from how the ranking system was created, to how the great war started, then Elementia got cursed, it really left a scar within me, that is why I am desperate in lifting our kingdom, and I don't want to make Princess Avria's sacrifice be in vain,"

"Princess Avria? the first or the second?" she asked confused

"The first, Our greatest grandma, who is said in our book of Ancestors, that her years of ruling in Elementia are golden since the 1st great war had stopped because of her, but of course only the kingdom of Valorians didn't believe it, at first I thought it's because of the rivalry between our kingdoms, but after my journey, I learned what really happened and the truth.." while telling her this, the memories of what I saw in the past directly flooded in my brain and the feeling of sadness starts to emerge.

"Cousin, could you please tell me what happened? I wanted to understand everything, and I don't want you to be the only one to carry the burden so I'm willing to help you, so please tell me everything, from the start of what you saw" she asked me sincerely

By the look in Rovina's eyes, I really see her determination to help and listen.

"Okay, it all started..."


2000 years ago

"mother, is the new ranking system going well?" Princess Avria who is beside her mother happily asked her

"yes, my dear, even the students in both schools are much more eager to study so that they can obtain points for their kingdoms, and the kings and queens on the other kingdoms, are glad about the ranking system too" The queen happily answered to her daughter

"I'm so glad to hear about that mother" Princess Avria smiled at her mother

"Mother, I will be going to the garden now, Augustin must be waiting for me" she smiled and bid goodbye to her mother


While princess Avria was entering the garden, she saw a silhouette standing beside the tree


The guy turned around and smiled lovingly at Avria

"My love.."

Avria directly hugged and kissed Augustin's cheek

"Did I make you wait?" she asked worriedly

"don't worry, I had just arrived a minute ago"

Then Avria noticed the change of expression on August's face

"My love, you and your family need to leave now, and please hide, far far away from here," he told Avria with a pleading expression

"August, what are you talking about?" she asked Augustin looking confused

"I came here to warn you that, you, your family, and the other kingdoms are in danger-" Augustin was trying to explain to Avria the situation when they suddenly heard a loud bang coming from the ocean, and another coming from the west

"This is bad, they are already here"

"August what is going-" Avria was about to Ask Augustin again, but then got interrupted by her twin sister

"Avria!! we have to run!!" she shouted at Avria looking terrified

Avria stood still and asked her twin

"Rivana, calm down, tell me what is going on"

"A black smoke appeared and they took mother, there are also dark-wind users who poisoned the guards, soldiers and the maids who are inside, Only me, Cousin Yanli and Cousin Zhang were able to escape, Sister, we need to go now!"

It was visible on Avria's face the fear and worry of what might happen to their mother.

"My love, your sister is right, you need to find a safe place to hide, or they might capture you too"

"August, what do you mean me and my sister? are you not coming with us?" she asked worriedly

Instead of him answering Avria, he just smiled and directly disappeared

"A clone spell.." Rivana said

"D-don't tell me Valoria was the first kingdom that got attacked by those who captured mother..." Avria said with a shaking voice

"That's the only valid reason why Augustin used a spell, Sister, we need to go now!"

But of course, Avria stayed frozen and her hands continue to shake, Rivana has no choice but to grab Avria's hand

'transporte de fuego'

Then the both of them got covered with harmless flames and teleported to a place far from the disaster.

  1. Translation:
    -Fire transport