"Ebie, wake up"

Ebieria who is still sleeping refuses to wake up and rolled to the left.

"Ebie, we need to go now, before the dark creatures scouts this place,"

By hearing the word dark creatures, Ebieria finally bolts up, almost forgetting that she is not in her timeline.

"Sorry, it took you long to wake me up," Ebieria apologizes while fixing herself

"It's okay, also Augustin woke up before us and already checked the area, he also brought back fruits that he found while scouting"

"oh that's good, so where do you both plan to head next?" Ebieria asked

"We both planned on saving my two cousins directly, but then it was too risky, so we thought of observing the area first before saving," Avria explained

"True, so we head to the place where the dark creatures are keeping your cousins, then observe the area first carefully and find some secret routes for us to save and escape, got it" Ebieria summarized


"Where are we?" Avria asked while looking around the area

"This is the forbidden forest above Azarath" Augustin answered

The three of them continued until they reached an empty place

"August, why are we stopping?" Avria asked looking at August worriedly, at that moment, Ebieria heard the whispers of her element spirits telling her that it's a trap!

"Avria, it's a trap!" but before Ebieria could grab Avria and run, dark magic suddenly surrounded both of them, which made them unable to escape.

"Augustin, what is the meaning of this!?" Avria looked at August, worriedly

but instead of August answering, a voice behind him suddenly spoke

"well, well, well, what do we have here?" A creature with dark-piercing-red eyes, with a dark aura, suddenly appeared behind August

"The heiress and an unknown creature, how delightful." The creature then looked at August.

"Now, give me the power stone back and let everyone go!" August said with a serious tone

"I did my part in the bargain, now you do yours too," he continued

But instead of the creature giving back the power stone, he flicked his fingers, and a dark smoke suddenly surrounded August too

"What is the meaning of this!?" Augustin roared

"Do you really think I'll give the power stone to you that easily? how naive of you" The dark creature smirked

"Now that I captured every single one of you, I, Vladmond, the king of darkness, will never be defeated!" He suddenly laughed then disappeared, and with that, August dropped to the ground, regretting his decisions

"August..." Avria said then looked at him

"I'm sorry my love, I'm so stupid...I shouldn't have gotten fooled!"

"And we shouldn't have gotten fooled by you!" Ebieria shot back

"Ebie!" Avria scolded Ebie

"no, she's right my love, it's my fault, I shouldn't have betrayed both of you." August then stood up and looked around

"Now it's impossible to even get out of here, you heard him, he already captured all of us" he continued

Then an idea suddenly came out on Ebie's mind; she directly spoke to her water element through telepathy

'Aqua, is Rivana unharmed and uncaptured?'

'yes master, she's still inside the cave, sleeping'


'we placed a spell on her master so that she will stay safe as you said'

'Good, now I want you to vanish the spell, and remember, don't let her see Fuega, Truena, and you'

'but master, wouldn't that make her wake up?'

'exactly, now do what I said'

Then Ebieria faced Avria

"Avria, you have a twin sister, right?" she asked,

"yes, why is that?" Avria answered,

"did she get captured?"

"no, well I hope not"

"If she didn't get captured, wouldn't she try to find you?"

"You're right, there is still hope that we can get out of here! but as much as I want her to stay hidden, she should make her decisions too rather than drowning in guilt," Avria said confidently but a hint of worry in her voice

Ebieria smiled in response, then turned around

'Aqua, did you take the spell off of her?'

'yes master, and like what you said, I, Fuega, and Truena stayed hidden'

'did she run out of the cave?'

'she did, and now we're tailing and protecting her quietly'

Then another idea went into Ebieria's mind again, then she directly sends telepathy to her Earth element

'Tierra, can you directly go to the location where Aqua is and I want you to make a secret tunnel that leads to where, me, Avria, and Augustin are, and also, make sure Rivana doesn't notice anything weird okay?'

'yes master'

"hey, Ebie, are you okay? you've been spacing out lately" Avria asked

"oh, I was just thinking of something" Ebieria answered without any hint of nervousness

After 30 minutes later, they suddenly heard rustling on the bushes

'Master we are already here, and surrounding the area secretly'

'Is Rivana the one behind the bushes?'

'Yes, master, we also kept ourselves hidden from her so she didn't notice some unusual things'

'ok good job elements'

Then suddenly a sunset haired creature came out of the bushes

"Ri-Rivana!?" Avria said while in a state of shock

'Master! we detected an alarm spell just near the barrier your stuck in'

Ebieria got the warning on which of her elements sent to her, but it was too late to warn Rivana since she already set off the spell

"w-what's going on?" Rivana asked

"Riv, run!!" Avria shouted, but it was already too late because the dark creatures suddenly showed up together with their king

"So, there was still a survivor?" Then he grabbed Rivana's arms

"shall I kill you?" The dark king smirked evilly

"NO!" The three shouted

"Please spare my sister and kill me instead!" Avria begged

"No! spare the three girls and take me instead!" Augustin said

Meanwhile, Ebieria on the other hand doesn't know what to do, she wanted to use her powers so badly, but it'll change the future where she lived in

'm-master, we can't move'

'what do you mean!?'

'There's an invisible blueish element that's preventing us to move'

'The time stone!' Ebieria suddenly thought, 'so it's also preventing me from using my elements and fusing with them'

'master what are we supposed to do?'

'it's okay, the blueish thing is the time stone's power that is preventing the 5 of you from fusing within me and preventing me to use the 5 of you'

'but master-'

'it's okay, after all, from the start, I'm only here to see what really happened in this timeline..' Ebieria thought sadly.