-3rd point of view -

As Ebieria continued to train every morning and night, she didn't notice that days had already passed by and that the Royal duel will be due tomorrow.

for 5 days since her declaration, she was glad that she hadn't bumped on Austin even once ever since, and was thankful that she doesn't have the same class with him.

Meanwhile, Rovina, on the other hand, found out a secret that hardly her eyes can't believe. 

three days ago, she noticed that Ryezon tried to apologize to her but she continued to avoid him for she admitted that she is still feeling furious with the boy, so she decided to avoid him since she doesn't want to accidentally lash out at him again because of her temper, then two days after that, she decided to at least confront him for she does feel sorry of ignoring him and wanted to listen for his apology.

Since she can easily sense and find creatures with fire vision, she knew where Ryezon is and went to the place, but while she was approaching the place where he is, she noticed a familiar voice talking with Ryezon, so she cast an 'undetected spell' so that no one will find out she's there, then hid behind a huge tree.

She took a peek to see who Ryezon is talking to and was shocked to see that it was the vampire prince!

"This is bad, this is so bad!" she thought to herself,

she continued to look at them and noticed a weird atmosphere, a friendly atmosphere.

"w-wait," Rovina noticed that both boys are talking casually like they have been friends for years.

She was about to confront them and tell them that they've been caught red-handed when the herald suddenly blew the trumpet, it's already the start of the second period.

When she took a peek again, both boys were already gone.

'Ryezon might have already told the prince about Ebieria's hidden powers, I need to tell her about this!'

But eventually, Rovina hasn't had a chance to talk to her cousin since Ebieria was too busy that day so she decided to tell her the next day.

- Ebieria's p.o.v -

Tomorrow is finally the Royal duel, and like every other duel, it'll be held after classes, when dusk will fall.


I turned around and saw Rovina.

"Rovina, is there a problem?"

"Yes, there is, and you need to come with me right now," she told me with a troubled expression

I nodded then followed her.

"Rovina, why are we going to the student's council office? did you get into trouble again?" I asked

"No cousin, I told Cousin Sal that I needed to tell you something, privately and if we can borrow the student's council office since it's safer here other than the dormitory," she explained

I got curious about what is so important in the information she's going to tell me.

"what is it that you are going to tell me, that we have to talk somewhere safer?"

"It's about Ruby haired and..." she trailed off


"and Prince Austin," she said in a weird expression

suddenly a weird image pop up in my head

"W-wait, Mr. Revis and 'that' Vampire prince??" I asked her with a wide eye while trying to imply what I was thinking.

Rovina's face suddenly flushed bright red, 

"No, no, not that cousin, I didn't mean it like that," 

"I meant to say is that I saw Ruby-haired and Prince Austin casually talking to each other, like they've been friends for years," she continued

Wait...what? isn't Ryezon an Elementian? and Austin despises Elementians right? He's even annoyed whenever he's near me or my fellow Elementians.

"Are you sure it was them Rovina?" I asked 

"It was definitely them cousin, I even cast a spell on myself and went near them,"

"did you hear what they're talking about?"

Rovina then fell silent and was in deep thought,

"I remembered Ruby-haired saying something like 'I knew it was you," she said

"did you hear more after that?"

"no, their voices became so low after that,"

I sighed and thought of the possibility that both of them knew each other, but Ryezon came from Earth so how...

"It's possible."

"huh? what do you mean cousin?"

"Austin went to school in Earth last school year right? and Ryezon is from Earth obviously he goes to school there too, there is only one school in Earth that is for Enchantians who lives there and that is LH,"

"so you mean that both of them met each other there."

"Yes, but I just find it confusing, how is 'that' prince friends with one of our kind?"

"exactly and cousin, what if that ruby-haired told Prince Austin your secret?" she asked me worriedly

"They might be friends, but I trust Mr. Revis, I know he'll keep it to himself, after all, if him telling Austin the secret will be the cause of our downfall, then it'll be like him betraying his people," I said confidently

"You might trust him cousin, but I don't, and I swear to the Gods and Goddesses of Mount Olympus that if Prince Austin found out about it, then I will not hesitate on dragging that ruby-haired in Azarath and let their dragons feed on him." She said with a deadly expression

"Cousin, I wanted to keep an eye on him," she said

"Okay, as long as you don't attempt to kill him again, and please don't be too obvious, you don't want the students who will notice to misunderstand,"

"of course cousin," she said then went out of the office. 

Then suddenly the herald's trumpet echoed in the halls of the school indicating the final class will start.

Since I don't have a class during that period, I directly headed inside the dormitory to train again, but this time, I thought of another plan carefully in case if the Prince really did find out about my hidden prowes.