-Ebieria's Point of view-

The fog that we both created did allow me to split without anyone knowing. I directly turned myself invisible and walked around trying to find the prince, but even though I'm invisible right now, I'm sure he would already have detected six Ebierias coming on his way since I'm not allowed to use an undetected spell.

It will at least give me time to attack him while he's confused.


'eh?' What was that sound?

'um, master, we have a problem..' My water element told me telepathically.

'does it relate to the hissing I heard seconds ago?' I asked

But before I can receive the answer, I already saw a gigantic serpent fighting with my elements, and I don't think it's even receiving any damage from my elements.

'Holy-'  where the hell did that serpent come from!? 

Suddenly I remembered what I told my cousin on the day when I first declared the duel...

"We don't know that he might also have a hidden power, like me" 

Don't tell me that this is actually his serpent? or guardian? since it's not taking any damage like my Elements.

I need to disperse this fog immediately, by now he might already realize the situation and is looking for the real me.

'Vienta, I want you to disperse the fog'  I commanded

'Yes, master.'

And with that, I felt a strong gush of wind making the fog disappear and the arena clearer, which made my Elements and the serpent more visible.

I directly teleported to a far end to avoid getting hit.

'does anyone of you know where and when the serpent started attacking' I asked telepathically, somehow feeling nervous, since until now, I can't spot the prince anywhere, don't tell me he can also turn invisible?

'Master, I felt something wrong about the wind movement inside the arena' Vienta said

'Master! something is going towards you!' Vienta warned telepathically, and without hesitating, I directly teleported on the other side.

'Tierra, immediately do another shockwave'  I said

If my intuition is correct, the shockwave will reveal where he is.

As my four Elements continue fighting the serpent, Tierra directly flew up then punch the floor when she landed down, which caused me to stumble, and like what I thought, the prince then reveals himself, for the shockwaves stopped him from running around.

So he does not have invisibility, but his speed got enhanced to a level where he is not visible to anyone's sight when he runs.

'Tierra, keep doing the shockwave' 

Tierra then did as I said, which made it the prince difficult to use his speed, his not down though for he can still drift, but I believe that he can't run while drifting so it gives me the advantage to attack above him by teleporting.

I directly teleported above him preparing to strike him from above, but before I can even hit him, he directly dodged.

Me being invisible somehow felt useless, I forgot that vampires can literally sense anything.

"I never knew you also had a hidden power princess, but let me remind you, even though I can't see you, I can still sense where you are,"

"Less talking, more fighting, Vampire,"  and with that, I directly teleported behind him to give him a blow but he drifted to the side, dodging my attack.

While my Elements are fighting his Serpent, I ended up still fighting him face to face, on the same level.

I kept teleporting whenever I see an opening from him and tried to attack, but he also kept on dodging, and because my elements are not inside my core, my stamina is depleting rapidly. I wonder if he also grows tired from all that dodging?

While I kept attacking him, I noticed some of his flaws, I noticed that he wasn't using his red fire, so it wasn't only me who has something forbidden to use.

-3rd point of view-

while the duel is on, each student and professor inside the school are too focused on witnessing it, no one noticed that there was already a powerful creature who has been known in the books, broke into the school to steal something very important.

It was hard for that creature to steal it of course for the headmistress is guarding it, but all he needed was to defeat the current headmistress, which he successfully did, for the Angels in Archane who lands on the land below, will lose their immortality and can get injured, it was a huge advantage for the creature since they have not lost their immortality, so defeating a supposed to be powerful headmistress was not too hard for them.

The creature immediately took the power stone, then planted a small bomb that will shatter only the stone's chamber then fled away. 


While Ebieria and Austin were gonna end the duel by attacking at the same time, the sound of the horns started blaring which made them stop directly, since everyone knows what that means.

"STOP THE DUEL!" Princess Hylia shouted then ran outside looking a lot worried, following behind her is professor Liwei.

Ebieria and Austin also ran outside without noticing that the Elements and Serpent are starting to fade away.

When they stepped outside the arena, they both saw Professor Liwei and Princess Hylia facing the school looking petrified, so both of them became curious and look at the school too.

Ebieria wasn't able to think straight and directly ran towards the school even though there's a huge translucent barrier covering the entire Stoneix.

When she tried going in the barrier, it blasted her backward, but instead of landing on the floor, Austin caught her.

"Are you stupid? why would you run towards a barrier!?" he said

"Let go of me," Ebieria said in a monotone voice, Austin directly let goes of her once he realized what he just did.

Ebieria then went towards professor Liwei.

"Professor, why is the school's barrier activated!?" Ebieria asked already conscious of what embarrassment she did a while ago.

Professor Liwei looked at Ebieria looking paler than how she normally looks.

"The will only activate once the stone is no longer inside the school.." The professor replied

Which made Ebieria paler, and realize how Austin was able to catch her and how the professor can see her, she wasn't invisible anymore, she directly run inside the arena finding her elements since she knows that they weren't able to fuse within her, a while ago.

When she arrived inside, she saw the center empty, no elements, no serpent. She tried to cast a spell, punch the floor, and unleash something, but none was going out or happening.

"This is not happening," she murmured

"Cousin! what are you doing!?" Rovina asked her looking worried while the other heir and heiress were behind Rovina's back.

Ebieria faced Rovina with a worried look, "The history is about to, the history is repeating."