After resting the four went out of the house and headed towards the road to hail a cab.

Woulf who was walking ahead of them stopped and faced the three, She then took out something in her shoulder bag, then gave it to Rovina.

"What is this?" Rovina asked looking confused

"A walkie-talkie," Woulf simply replied

"A walkie what?" 

"A walkie-talkie, it's a device where we can talk with each other in a far distance, like the magic mirrors for an instance, but since Enchantians are powerless at this moment, all we can do is rely on technology, power-stoned weapons, and holy weapons," Woulf explained which earned a nod from the three.

"I decided to give you one and bring another one back to LH, we might need back-up if ever," she continues

"You're going back in LH?" Rovina asked