After their explanation, Mrs. Sapphire's expression turned worried.

"I have an extra walkie-talkie, unused, but it was misplaced, I did not bother to find it before because of the new pair," she said then looked around to find it.

"We will help you search Aunt Sky," Rovina spoke, then the four, including Augz went on searching.

Rovina and Ebieria went to the 2nd floor and search there, opening some cabinets and going inside room to room, same goes for Rieve and Austin on the second floor with Mrs. Skylyre. Augz on the other hand followed the girls on the second floor, Augz then noticed something above the girls, a hatch.

"Lady Rovina, Princess Ebieria, there seems to be a hatch above you," Augz spoke

The two then look up, and saw what Augz said was right, "It is a hatch, I'll go ask aunt Sky if we can go up," Ebieria said, then went downstairs.