"How are we supposed to let all of you go without getting caught?" Rovina asked

Mrs. Ireyns, Bovian, the real headmaster, and Woulf looked at each other, then back at Rovina.

"An Archane can let us out but it will be against their law for they are told to guide but not to do the work of those who they guided," Mrs. Ireyns explained

"Is there another way?" Ebieria asked who is now beside Rovina

The four continued to think deeper when suddenly the headmaster spoke.

"I remembered two more ways," he said, "A holy warrior which is the Revis' twins, they can open the cage but the alarm will still turn off, except, it will be delayed for around 4-5 minutes,"

"but the first one will be impossible since Raygen has been placed somewhere far more guarded and I don't see Ryezon anywhere," The headmaster continued

"What about the second option?" Rovina asked