Austin then faced Augz, "I thought you said the Durandal was inactive?"

Augz then looked at Austin then, at his team, "I admitted that I lied, for I cannot foresee who's in possession with the Durandal if I were to tell all of you that the ex-holy weapon has been activated, then it will add more fuel to the fire," Augz explained then looked at the hologram, "but since the Prince of Azarath stated that his mother defeated the Hydra using the weapon, then we can all rest assured that it's in the right hand," the snake continued

"and there's no reason to doubt it since the Durandal in the present state can only be possessed by a bloodline of Demons, Good or Evil, and those who are raised in the Darkside," Diana said, "but may I ask Prince Drake, have you known before that Queen Raven has the Durandal?" she asked