The sorcerers, witches the Moira, and the Gorgons have a special gift to predict, see and observe what the future of each one of them will be like and this time, it would not be the exception.
The Moiras, were the only ones who could go to heaven; while, the sorcerers and the gorgons, were prohibited access.
Whenever there was any doubt, or they had matters to solve, the Moiras were the perfect bridges between both worlds, because they were the only ones who had not done damage to such magnitude, as the witches and the gorgons did centuries ago.
The sorcerers, witches the Moiras, and the Gorgons have a special gift to predict, see and observe what the future of each one of them will be like and this time, it would not be the exception.
The Moiras were the only ones, who could go to heaven; while, the sorcerers and the gorgons, were prohibited access.