Both the children of darkness and the children of light, were immensely happy that they returned, that they decided to train with more strength, to have enough power, to be able to defend their partners from them.
After several escapes from the Goddess Athena, they finally managed to lay a trap for her, and she fell, and at that moment, they put her in the Tartarus prison.
With Athena in Tartarus, the werewolves had the opportunity to be human, but they decided to continue as werewolves.
They all decided to continue their lives as they have been leading up to now, and the only difference is that justice was served to them, and they are eternally grateful to the children of darkness.
The brothers, Satan and Lilith Satan gave everything back to Imhotep, except for the tongue, which Satan had already taken care of.
"We are in eternal debt to you, and we do not know how to pay them," said Ocípete, the harpy.