Chapter Sixteen *Complicated*

"I can't believe you did that Lewis," Andria said with relief as she was sitting next to Lewis and Liam by the river

"Yeah, it wasn't easy" Lewis simply replied

"How is she? " Andria asked

"Tired I guess, why don't you go to her?" Lewis suggested

"I will, however, meet me in an hour and tell Max to come too we need to discuss the plan, the battle with Idris is in two days"

" I will" Lewis replied as she fixed her scarf and went in her way to Mary's

"it was very gentle what you did to Mary the other day," Liam said to Lewis with a smile

"Yeah, if you call taking something from someone against their will gentle then yeah I was" Lewis attacked Liam

"Lewis, you know what I mean," Liam said giggling

"What?" Lewis asked

"you didn't do it, Lewis," Liam said

"How did you know?" Lewis asked he was shocked

" I heard you" Liam simply replied

"But if you heard me that means Andria did," Lewis said

"I assure you she didn't," Liam said