Chapter Thirty Four *Only My Dark Side*

"My lord, the demons are disobeying your orders," Thomas told Liam the news, which he was expected

"What happened?" Liam simply asked

"they are bothering the human girl that you ordered no one to touch her, they are also in their demons form," Thomas said

"Andria" Liam whispered as he took off, hiding towards the other part of his palace

Andria's sword was flying as she was fighting demons, black, unpleasant creatures surrounded her just for the fun of it

"hand's of, enough"Liam yelled

"I said enough" Liam yelled again in his ghost form with his deep voice, so they stopped, for his surprise, Andria was handling herself pretty well, she almost killed one of them

"I ordered not to go anywhere near her" Liam yelled again

"she's making you weak," one demon said

"she's controlling you" another demon confirmed

"you aren't good enough to lead us anymore" when a demon said that Liam healed him like a leaf