“Ate (elder sister)? Wake up, ate you have a visitor, come on now please wake up.” Betoy, the fourth adopted siblings of Glaiza nudge her slowly to wake up.
“Hmm? Who was it? Asked Glaiza to her brother whose voice is still drowsy.
“She said her name is Rhian ate (elder sister) and she’s our neighbor, not to mention ate Elay knows her………… She’s a beautiful goddess ate, I think I have a crush on her.” Dreamily informed her sister, while dramatically holding his chest.
“Our neighbor? What does she want?” Her older sister probed still closed eyes, she really can’t fight the lassitude.
The young lady is still sleepy; she came home at daybreak, just a while ago actually.
It was because Mr. Tony and her, were talking about the woman who wants to rent her.
R E N T…..four letters word yet it will define a person as a dirty and easy target to judgmental being.
It’s quite awful to hear it, but regrettably, it’s true.