

Maya got a hold on the wiggling thing and took it out of the bush. "Ewww...... what a filthy little creature!",Mrs. Smith said in a high pitched voice. Maya turned back to smile at her. "Relax, Mrs. Smith! It is just a cat!", Maya said to her while holding the green eyed animal in her hands. "Honey, you know that I hate cats!",Mrs. Smith said, scrunching her nose. Maya patted it's head. "It won't harm us, don't worry.", the black cat let out a huge meow while Maya was speaking. It looked at her as she noticed that the cat was strangely calm in her hands. It looked at her and meowed again. 'It must be hungry.....',Maya thought to herself. "Are you taking her away from me now?", Mrs. Smith said while stepping back from Maya."Here are your keys, I will go home now, ok?", Mrs. Smith nearly ran away from Maya. Maya chuckled at the sight. "Humans are stupid to fear the creatures which are closest to the nature.... aren't they?", she let out while petting the cat."Let's go, you must be hungry, I will feed you for today.",the cat meowed again as if it was saying 'yes'.

She put the cat down and opened the door using the key. She entered the house and closed the door behind her. After quickly washing up, she ran towards the kitchen to see if there was any milk left in the fridge. Fortunately, there was some milk. She poured it in a bowl and threw the carton away.

Just then, she heard something crashing in the living room. She rushed towards the living room and accidentally stepped on a broken glass piece. "Ouch", she gasped as the crystal pierced her foot making blood drops fall on the ground. She sat on the couch next to her and removed the glass very carefully and slowly. "I have to bandage it now.....", she said, rolling her eyes in the process. She carefully walked over the shattered glass as to not to get cut again. She saw the cat climbing on the cupboard. "So, you were the one who caused this! You should have been apologizing to me now.", she let out a short chuckle before opening the cupboard and getting hold on the bandages. As soon as she picked out the box, a book fell on the ground from behind the box. She picked the book up. It had a weird sign on the initial page. Somewhat similar to the sign she saw on Agatha's notebook. She opened it and suddenly it fell down from her hands and got shut. "Strange...",she said,"Ahhh.... I have to bandage my foot first..... I will check you out later....strange book...."she picked up the book and kept it on the table while going to back to the couch to bandage her foot. She bandaged her foot before getting up to clean the shattered glass. The cat suddenly came out of nowhere just to look and meow at Maya. "I forgot about you..... let's get you some food.....", she picked it up and went to the kitchen.

She placed the bowl in front of the cat's mouth. The cat didn't waste a second before starting to slurp the milk with it's small tounge. "You are so cute.....",Maya said while petting it's head. "I wonder if you are a female or a male though......"she said."Looking at your size, I presume that you are a female cat....."she continued scratching it's head until it finished the milk. 'Mom will be back soon.....',she thought to herself.

"Sweetie, I am back......",Maya smiled at the familiar voice of her mother. "Welcome back, mommy....",Maya rushed towards her to hug her tightly. Her mom kissed her head and hugged her back. "How was your day, honey?",she asked Maya. "It was great and oh- we have a new guest in our house.",Maya said remembering the cat. "Really? Who is it?",her mother asked while smiling. "Why don't you see it by yourself? Come.....",Maya nearly yanked her mom to the kitchen. Just when they arrived in the kitchen, Maya noticed that the cat was nowhere to be seen. "What? Where and who is our guest?", her mother asked her. "It was just here now..... where has it gone?",Maya mumbled while looking for the cat everywhere in the kitchen. It was certainly not in the kitchen. "It must have gone in the other room...."she said. Then she saw the open window in the kitchen. "Ohhh..... it must have gone out of the window.....",she mumbled again. "Hello? May I know what is going on here?",her mother asked her. "Oh, mom. Nothing. It was just a black cat that I found in the bushes while coming back." "A cat? Did you feed it?",her mom asked. "Yeah, I did. I fed it some milk. The cat finished the milk and and went away.",Maya replied. "It must have been hungry, don't worry it will come back.",her mom reassured her. "How do you know that?",Maya asked her. "Just my instinct...",her mom chuckled. Maya smiled at her. "Let's have dinner now..... it is already late....",her mom said, sighing. "Yeah..."

After dinner Maya excused herself to her mom and went to her room to sleep. She sat on the bed while thinking how different today was. So many weird things happened in just one day. She heard those terrifying voices when she was in her father's room, she got a new and strange pendant to wear today, she learned many new things, she found a stray cat, cut her foot, found a strange book- Oh! That's when it hit her! The book! She forgot to check it out..... How strangely it slipped from her hands and got shut as if the book itself didn't want her to see the content inside. The sign on the book..... none of it made sense to Maya now..... she was very confused.... She didn't know when her eyes got heavy and she went into a deep slumber.....