
As the sun rises in the early morning, the sounds of the birds whistle on the trees and the soft wind blowing across the window. The beauty flips her blanket over her body and walks over to her window enjoying the view and feeling the loving breeze and the warm sun race flickering through the window. She walks slowly to her balcony door which is a two-door, side-by-side and opens it wide with both hands while walking towards the balcony. She leaned on the balcony of her small but comfortable apartment, and watched the sun rise with a warm smile; she didn’t realize how long she had been standing there until she heard a knock on her bedroom door which startled her before she turned towards the door to see who was there. And there! Was the person she least expected especially not at this hour in her house and at her bedroom door for that matter. Is this incident going to change Ema’s life for good? Giving her life a turning point! Is this turning point going to be to the positive direction or the other way around? Let me tell you a little about Ema’s personality;

Ema Standson is a very composed person and doesn’t get scared of anything except for one thing……‘The Heart!’ She could get hot-headed sometimes, and say some things in anger or when she’s pissed off without thinking but all the same, she’s fun to be with though she likes being by herself and doing things on her own. She could be a pain in the ass sometimes but anyone who knows and is willing to understand her better, will know how to handle that. Ema loves sports, music, movies, writing and reading. She is a big fan of nature and loves adventure. Ema had a perfect life after all she had to endure until that moment where fate has a big surprise for her! How far is Ema willing to go in order to make her life what it once was or at least something similar? Enough about Ema, let’s get started……………….