Seems like it was yesterday

That I saw your face

You told me how proud you were

But I want to wait

If only I knew what I know today

I would hold you close…..


There’s nothing I wanna do

To hear your voice again

Sometimes I wanna call you

But I know you won’t be there


When Mark was telling us about Dads debts and issues, Mum didn't act surprised though she tried but I knew better which just went ahead to confirm my suspicions that she knew something and I hope it won't be too late before I found out what it is.

"So what should we do to resolve the situation?" I asked wanting to know what he had in mind. "We can't really resolve the situation completely since we have no idea yet who the mole was and the police are still on the case so the company is not completely closed down yet but it's not really that functional as well. But someone needs to be in charge so when things are calm and there seems to be no way out we can decide on closi..." I cut him off before he even has the chance to complete his sentence..

"No! That's my father's hard work throughout his life and he worked so hard to make it what it was before someone decided to bring it down but it's not over yet.

"Am sorry Ms. Standson it's just a suggestion" he apologized "It's okay I just got carried away. Anything else?" I just don't want Dad's company to be completely closed down and it won't without a fight. "It's okay I understand and no I don't think so since the police haven't said anything yet" he replied coolly

"So what if there is someone to take charge of the company and we keep the knowledge of the situation stagnant while using it as a means to get the culprit?" That's what I think but I need to get his opinion first

"Yeah that’s a great idea! And no one has thought of that but the problem is who will take charge?" “Honey, I need to get back home I don't feel too well and I don't think I can be part of this discussion anymore. The company is down just let it be"

Throughout this discussion I had even forgotten Mum was there until she spoke. She had been so quiet you wouldn't even notice. And she says what! I should let it be?? Seriously! "Mum are you serious about what you just said?" I wanted to be sure I heard correctly

"Yeah why not! The company is down already what's the point of keeping it if it would only cost more?" I couldn't believe she was the one talking like that....of all the things she could have said...this!? "That's Dad's company we are talking about here and he worked so hard to make it what is so what are you talking about?" I couldn't just let this pass

"am not talking about anything. Of course I know how hard he worked I watched him give his life to that stupid company and look where it has gotten him! And worse of all, us! Now we have to pay his debts and suffer for his mistakes. He should have thought of the consequences before he decided to expand" I was so shocked it made me speechless.

I had no idea Mum harbored so much hatred for Dad's company. What did Dad ever do to her? I don't know...or rather what did the company have to do with her? Cuz she seems like she has a lot to say about that. So I’ll let it slide for now.

Throughout this discussion I had even forgotten Mum was there until she spoke. She had been so quiet you wouldn't even notice. And she says what! I should let it be?? Seriously! "Mum are you serious about what you just said?" I wanted to be sure I heard correctly

"Yeah why not! The company is down already what's the point of keeping it if it would only cost more?" I couldn't believe she was the one talking like that....of all the things she could have said...this!? "That's Dad's company we are talking about here and he worked so hard to make it what is so what are you talking about?" I couldn't just let this pass

"am not talking about anything. Of course I know how hard he worked I watched him give his life to that stupid company and look where it has gotten him! And worse of all, us! Now we have to pay his debts and suffer for his mistakes. He should have thought of the consequences before he decided to expand" I was so shocked it made me speechless.

I had no idea Mum harbored so much hatred for Dad's company. What did Dad ever do to her? I don't know...or rather what did the company have to do with her? Cuz she seems like she has a lot to say about that. So I’ll let it slide for now.

Sometimes I feel like that clouds are closing in on me and there’s nothing I can do about it and now is one of those times when I need my Dad the most but it’s actually his absence that’s making me feel this way and I don’t know who to turn to. I take a taxi home to freshen up before going to Mum’s and also give her some time to calm down before we talk. Cause we really need to talk. There’s just so much to talk about and am quite sure she won’t let lose all she’s harboring inside and I know she has been keeping that for a very long time but how long, is what I am not so sure about. I walk in and she’s standing by the window watching the cars go by and the busy street. She looks deep in thought and I don’t want to disturb her but we need to talk, I need to clear some things before I can move ahead; I don’t know about her but I’ll do everything I can to ensure that Dad’s company comes back to life. “Mum” she slowly turns around to look at me and from the look on her face; it shows she’s been crying.

“Yeah what are doing here? Thought you’ll be home resting” I don’t know where to start from or even how to start. “No. I went home to take a shower and come here cause we need to talk or rather finish what we started at Mr. Mark’s office.” She exhales a heavy breath then takes a sit and motions me to do the same.