Being at home isn't helping, going out for a run is looking more promising. With that in mind, I went into my small bedroom the size of a shoebox metaphorically, changed to my running attire and was out before I changed my mind. I put on my earpiece, and began my run. With 4laps and an hour of stretching, I didn't even realise the time had gone so fast. It's 6:45pm already but my head still feels a little crowded as I walk back home. I wave a couple of familiar faces while drinking some water.

While unlocking my door, my cell phone starts ringing. I unlock the door, removed the phone to check who's calling; it's Mr. Mark!

"Hello, good evening Mr. Mark, how are you doing?" I answered while locking the door and heading for my bedroom.

"Yeah Emma, I received your message and am sorry I couldn't get to you in time. Got an emergency meeting I had to attend and couldn't postpone. Am doing great by the way and you?" He replied

"I am doing good but am still worried about my Dad's company. I don't know if we can schedule a time and day to meet to talk about it?" I asked

“Yeah that’ll be great. I think Wednesday next week will be good. I’ll check my schedule and let Amanda get back to you. Is that okay?” He said while ruffling through papers and frantically typing on his computer.

“Yeah it's perfect.I’ll be waiting on you to confirm the time then so I can add it to my calendar so I won’t forget.”

“Okay. I’ll let Amanda get back to you then. Have a great evening Ema until next week then” with that, he hung up. With a heavy sigh, I go into my room for a shower. I’ll come have dinner and do some work while at it.

The evening passes by with not much happening as well as the weekend in a blur. Mr. Mark scheduled our meeting for Wednesday the next week at 4pm in his office. From there, we’ll know how to move forward with what we’ll come up with. As the assistant manager for the Design team, even though I studied Finance in school, it's not easy with the workload. It's not what I really wanted to do but I still love my job though and it's fun. Apparently, since I don't have a love life, I’ve got the time to do most of my work at home. And even work overtime for the extra income which kind of helps a lot.

Wednesday came by so fast I didn’t even realise where all the hours went to. And I've still got a lot of work to do a lot of work to do with the launching of the new APP and Website for our ongoing project. Since the company management or rather let’s say the CEO decided to turn our market focus this time to small businesses and restaurants. We’ll start with the small restaurants as our main focus. It’s was an idea I just laid out to Mr. Adams concept has been broadened to bring out the reality of the concept.

I didn’t think the man even had an idea I existed until he asked me to his office after the meeting and asked for my opinion on any idea I have in mind that would help the company branch out. I was so scared out of my wits, and didn’t want to say something that will make me look dump. He just told everyone the company wants to take a new leave and expand and our new target and focus is small businesses and restaurants around locally for a start. I am in charge of preparing a report based on the project proposal which she has to prepare as well for the Marketing team to use; as well the designs for the App and the site but she’ll be working with the PR team most often for the feedback they’ll be getting. While we’re preparing for the launch, there’s still a lot to do and I’ve got some Market research surveys to go through for the Pre-Launch.

The work is getting more burgose as the time goes by and the pressure is not helping. I don’t think I’ll be able to start working at my Dad’s company anytime soon. I’ll have to finish this project first before having to reschedule my time to work at Dad’s company part time which I hope won’t too late. Though its Dad’s company which he built from the ground up but from what Mr. Mark told me, the company has a board and Dad made me a Shareholder prior to his passing, that is being his successor.

The bigger problem is I am not a majority Shareholder and so anything can happen while the board assumes I don’t exist because very few people knew I actually existed. That’s good and bad; the good being that I can use my disguise plan and use a different name but unfortunately, I’ll not be able to have a say in any board decisions if anything happens to the company between now and the time I plan on going undercover. But I’ll have to see Mr. Mark to know the current status of the company. Good thing we have a meeting this coming week to discuss the plan and how to put it in motion; I’ll have to ask about the company before we move ahead with anything else.

Now that my mind is made up, I can go back to my work at hand and focus. This is going to be one hell of a mission; I hope I’ll be able to make it out in one piece both emotionally and physically. The next day, I called Mr. Mark, and confirmed the time for the meeting and the place. Since its restaurant not far from where I work, it’s going to be a short walk from the office, saving me time and taxi fare to be able to get there on time. I’ll make sure to let him know when I’m almost done with work so he’ll be prepared as well. I’d have prefered to meet him after working hours in his office, when we’re the only ones there but he says it’ll be risky so we decided on a restaurant; his choice.