Chapter 16: ~Water, Earth and others problems~

- Well, now we have to go for Gaia and that's it.- He took her by the hands.- Now the four of us will be together.

- Hey, don't be cheeky.- the girl scolded the element.

Regardless of what her partner said about her, she continued to hold her hand as she almost dragged her to where Ethan was with the earth elemental previously called by water as "Gaia".

She keeping a big smile she greeted the two young men and a quick and unforeseen movement on the part of Amanda, who hugged her without warning.

- At last we will fulfill the prophecy again, father will be proud of us.- Kohei mentioned, who seemed very excited.

-Don't lose your head from the emotion, remember that's why they caught us.- she sighed.- You always have to be so childish.- this time Gaia spoke.

- Oh, that's why I wanted to find Aire, because she does understand me.- He released the girl a little and then with one hand took her face to look into her eyes.- Right?

- Let go of me.- Amanda asked the boy.