Everywhere he looked he found torches on the walls while in every certain place in the corridor there were polished stone statues of some animals such as the lion, horse, dolphin, or there was even a dragon that did not fall into the category of being. a mythical species.
The young woman began to walk down the hall until she found a large wooden door, she did not hesitate to open it to go through and find several men playing with cards while one who stood out from the crowd was playing the piano.
— This is weird, but it seems very entertaining.— she thought as she passed by the men who were sitting around a table.
The one with honey-colored hair only watched with attention each action of the men, until he who was playing the piano spoke to her. She wanted to ignore him but her body moved against her will to go directly to where the redhead was sitting, to which Gaia realized that she would only be a spectator of that scene.