Mountain Laurel


"Babe, we haven't had time for each other all week, can you just stop working for a minute and cuddle with me?"

"Later Korey, I really need to finish reading through this report,"

"Dammit, Hades, you've been making excuses all week, what did I do?" she cries.

Say it. Tell her the truth.

"Baby, not now okay," I reply.

She throws a pillow at me and I groan.

"Persephone," I warn.

Put her in her place, she's disrespecting you.

Would you shut up?

She throws another one, "I won't stop until you tell me what's going on?"

I sigh, "Okay, okay."

I get up from my desk, walk to the bed, and lay down beside her, I pull her into my arms and kiss her forehead.

"Work is overwhelming, accidents and deaths are happening every day and people are claiming like crazy, I'm running an ad campaign and it's doing good but down here things aren't so good, the Night twins are on the loose here in the underworld and I can't seem to track them down," I explain.