

Fuck, fuck, fuckity, fuck, fuck.

She's about to give birth. My wife is about to give birth. I'm driving through town like a madman. Almost crashed into a few cars on the way to the hospital. Poseidon and Hera are in the backseat, keeping her company.

"Hades, what's taking so long?" Hera yells.

I step on the gas and drive faster, "We are almost there honey bun."

"Tilemetaforés," Poseidon yells and the car drops down at the emergency entrance of a hospital.

"Peter Poseidon Jones, what have we said about using your powers in public?" Hera scolds.

Persephone screams and attention immediately turns back to her. I get out of the car and Peter helps Korey out of the car, I pick her up bridal styles and rush into the building.

"Help, we need help. My wife is in labor." I yell.