Cora jumped awake drenched in her own sweat as she set up stopping herself from screaming this time. She sighed heavily as she wrapped her arms around herself and brought her knees closer to her chest. The third time in her course of sleep today she saw the same nightmares in her head, her past, Wyatt leaving her and finally her life with Kai now. A tear slipped through her eyes as she realised for the nth time how much she needed Wyatt at times like these and how much she missed his comforting scent. But she knew that in the end she will still be stuck with Kai, she was in too deep to leave now

"What is wrong with you Cora?" She scolded her self "You broke up with him, now bear the consequences,"

She let out a heavy sigh before rubbing the sleep out of her eyes and rolled out of bed to get ready for the day. Since she didn't have any lessons today, she decided to go out with her best friends. So she took out a plain white shirt with blue jeans since she wasn't really in a mood to dress up so much. Plus they were only going for lunch anyway. Coming out of the shower, she dried her hair and picked up Matt's phone that had been ringing the entire time she was in the bathroom

"Are you ready?" Matt called out from the phone "I have been calling you for 5 minutes straight,"

"Sorry I was in the bathroom," Cora said brushing her hair and pinning them back "Just give me five minutes,"

"Just get your ass down, I have the car ready," Matt said and Cora replied with a sure

And keeping her word, she locked her apartment and made her way down where Matt was waiting in his white car

"If we are late it's all your fault," Matt said

"Just drive dude," Cora rolled her eyes jokingly


"Good Afternoon everyone," The pilot's voice came from the speakers "We would be landing in 10 minutes so please fasten your seat belts,"

Before doing that he took out his phone to message Travis that he will be landing soon and instantly got a reply back with a party face emoji which made Wyatt chuckle to himself and couldn't wait to meet his best friend after three years. He fixed his chair and fastened his seat belt, getting ready to land soon. Once they had landed Wyatt went through the normal security checks and then taking his bag he went out putting on his sunglasses and praying that people wouldn't recognise him but he failed pretty terrible at that since as soon as he left the airport there were a bunch of reporters all at once surrounding him. His bodyguards went into full swing as he was in no mood for answering any questions so they moved people away while making way for Wyatt to get past them safely.

"WYATT!" He heard his name call out and he turned around to catch a glimpse of Travis before the reporters blocked him again

He changed his direction along with his guards and made his way to Travis who stayed near his car patiently smirking as he saw the crowd around his best friend. Wyatt could see him smirking and he rolled his eyes before he gave him a big hug when he approached him"Long time no see," Travis said as he patted Wyatt's back still in an embrace

"It's good to be back," Wyatt smiled but then remembered the flashing cameras "Let's get away from here first,"

Travis nodded and unlocked the car in which they got in with Wyatt's two bodyguards at the back seat and drove off to get away from them

"How did you know which gate to come at?" Wyatt asked Travis a little curious that he just happen to be there

"I am your best friend, your soulmate , you brother, your-," But Wyatt cut him off

"You looked at the paparazzi shit didn't you?" Wyatt rested his case

"Definitely," Travis nodded smiling sheepishly

Wyatt rolled his eyes at his smirk and laid his head against the seat breathing out a little with a smile nonetheless. No word exchange was needed between the two males, they had known each other for 10 years, they shared many memories together, good or bad. Hence, they knew how much the other missed the other. He had closed his eyes for a moment and it turns out that he had actually fell asleep in happy thoughts for once. Travis noticed the soft snoring and smiled when he found his friend sleeping soundly so he turned down the music to make sure that he slept well until they reached to their destination

Wyatt woke up when the car stopped and he looked around a little confused when he saw that they were near a restaurant and not his house or Travis'

"I thought we could eat something before going home," Travis shrugged "And also because I have nothing at home to eat right now. And treat is on me,"

"We'll split it," Wyatt said removing his seat belt

"I said my treat so my treat," Travis shook his head making no room to argue further and then he turned around to the guards "Are you guys coming?"

"Were going for a walk," The guards said politely

And with that the four took their wallets and came out of the car one by one. Travis locked the car and gave the keys to the guards in case they would like to go back in the car after their stroll and Wyatt followed him to the restaurant

"Hey you go on I have to deposit some money first," Travis gestured forward "Reservations are already made,"

Right then Wyatt received a message and he took out his phone to look and smiled when he saw that it was Rachel, the first friend he had made in London and coincidentally they were in the university too. They had become closer from time to time and right now she messaged him that she and her fiancee had reached safely to her parents house in Bangkok. He was about to reply to her when he suddenly bumped into someone and the phone fell from his hands but before the person could fall he grabbed them from the waist to steady them but he heard an audible wince

"I am so sorr-" Before Wyatt could continue he stopped and his eyes widened in shock

There he was holding Cora in his hands once again as his eyes met her stormy grey orbs. Wyatt was first to gain his control back and he brought Cora back on her footing and couldn't help but notice how she winced when his hands came in contact with her waist again but he moved away instantly. Cora averted her eyes first from Wyatt's piercing ones and fidgeted in place more interested in the stone ground underneath them. Wyatt crouched down to pick his phone and glances at her before going for the restaurant's door but Cora reached for it at the same time and when their hands touched, both could feel like they touched fire and Cora instantly pulled her hand back. Wyatt sighed before he open the door open and motioned for Cora to go first. She glanced at him for a brief moment but went inside anyway

"Good afternoon mam...sir," The waiter greeted them together "Do you both have reservations?"

"No...No we aren't together," Wyatt cleared that up

"I-I am u-under Mia J-Jefferson please," Cora stuttered not meeting Wyatt's eyes

"I am under Travis Cole," Wyatt ignored her stutter

Wyatt was directed to his table number along with Cora who followed the waiter as he led her to a table where she met Mia and instantly hugged her. Wyatt sat down instantly leaning his head on the table as he sighed heavily. 'What was I thinking coming back here? Wyatt thought. Cora's face came into his thoughts again and he couldn't help but notice that she looked so...tired and her eyes were a little red as well and why was she in pain when he touched her. Was she over working herself? Was her past haunting her again?Did something else happen? However his thoughts were interrupted, looking up he saw Travis and the waiter with the menus

"Great," Travis rubbed his hands together taking a menu in his hand "What would like to you eat?"

Cora on the other hand was still shaken from what had just happened. She was still not sure if what she saw was correct or was her eyes playing tricks on her. What was he doing here?When had he come back?

"Was that actually Wyatt?" She muttered to herself

"What was that?" Matt asked her as he took a seat opposite her

"Nothing," She shrugged at his question

Since they had already ordered the food, Cora couldn't even leave the restaurant Once the waiter was done taking their order, Cora's eyes met with a mob of brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. Instantly, Cora turned around not risking for them to have a eye contact again and her heart was racing very fast since now she was certain that her eyes weren't playing tricks

"Cora?" Mia called out from opposite her "Are you okay?"

"Yea, you look like you have seen a ghost," Matt pointed out to his friend "Mia pass me the mashed potatoes,"

"All you do is eat," Mia shushed him

"That's one way to say it," Cora mumbled focusing her eyes on the table "He did come like a ghost. I need to go to the bathroom,"