
Lang Fai POV

"Time to wake up." A man growled in my ear.

My head lolled to the side dully, in agonizing pain.

My arms were burning in pain from being held up so long.

My jaw ached, my body and neck sore.

Why am I here?

How is Li Wei related to these people?

"Talk, you fucking whore!"

I gasped.

My cheeks started to swell.

He punched me.

"I-I'm awake.."

The man smiled.

"Good. Since I haven't introduced myself, my name is Wan Fong."

He leaned forward.

"And I enjoyed last night very much."

I spat blood in his face.

"Psychopath. You fucking raped me!" I screamed.

"urgh!" I gasped.

A loud slap echoed in the dark and damp stone room.

"I'd love to fuck you again."

His fingers traced the lines on my chest.

I shuddered in disgust.

He grabbed me my hair, pulling him close to me so that our faces were inches apart.

"Apologize bitch."

I gulped.

I couldn't let him touch me again.

"I-I'm s-sorry.."

I trembled, my whole body quaking.