Chapter 17

After finding another suitable place for landing and spending the night they set up the individual tents and built a fire because the night was very cold. After eating some canned portions of undefined flavor, Kovacs contacted his superiors, who he reported the position of the aircraft and gave a brief summary of the discovery. Then he joined the other three men who were talking in low voices.

“All right. What is your conclusion? “Said the boys' father, showing his anxiety.

“There are several conclusions with different time planes. The most relevant thing is the evidence that your children and their companions have been doing what perhaps was a brief camp or bivouac at the site where we found the piece of paper. Unless that sheet of notebook has arrived in other ways that I cannot imagine at the moment, it is the best proof that Meiling and Xiang were alive and presumably well a short time ago and that we are in their footsteps, perhaps very close.”