Chpter 23

The helicopter had restarted its journey by flying over the dense jungle heading north, towards a snowy mountain range that was seen on the horizon with a volcano among the first peaks.

“Beyond the volcano runs the river that marks the end of the area known as La Isla, and is at the same time the limit of the Park.” reported Kovacs. “My jurisdiction ends there. Beyond there are populated areas. If the youngsters reach that site they can find help, including a Gendarmerie barracks with good communication means.”

"It's a long way to go on foot." replied Conrad.

“They have come this far. They will succeed.” Haoran stated with renewed hope.

The pilot spoke into the microphone.

“I do not like that thread of smoke that arises from the volcano.”

Increasingly concerned about the emergence of the effluents leaving the top of the volcano, Hamal urged the muleteers to rush the llamas; in fact, all they were already alarmed by the signs of danger that were looming over them.