Vampire Club 1

Perfectly balanced in my 5 inch heels, I slinked through the curtains to an awaiting and enthusiastic crowd, hollering my name. Smiling coyly back at the dimly lit venue, hardly making out any of the faceless figures as a result of the stage lights I approached the pole.

The whistling sounds intensified as I wrapped one delicate, manicured hand around it, slowly sliding down into a squatting position.

Sliding back up I kicked my leg up, wrapping it around the pole and hoisting myself into the air. Graceful and elegant as always, they called me Zelle, short for gazelle around here for a reason.

Combining acrobatics and a few sultry moves I've picked up along the way, I gave my usual sensual and erotic performance, feeling my body and losing my hands in my ruby red curls. I became one with movement, twirling around effortlessly and leaving little to the imagination.