Lola Gets

The girls here were given 8 minutes max for a hot morning shower. Unfortunately for Lola, 8 minutes was simply not enough time for her perfectly planned out beauty regimen. This warranted a meeting with the facility repairman, Ron. He had access to the timer for the showers and would luckily crank up the minutes for Lola due to their mutually decided compromise. Ron would enjoy Lola’s holes once a week and then she would enjoy a luxurious 15-minute shower, allowing ample time for Ron’s thick seed to run down her thighs and into the drain.

I sauntered over to Ron’s office, smiling innocently at everyone who walked past me. I lightly tapped on the closed door to his office, before cautiously looking around me and sliding in when the coast was clear. Ron’s office was luckily in the basement of the campus, which meant fewer chances of getting caught and freedom to scream as loudly as I wanted when Ron mercilessly plowed through my pussy.