Chapter thirteen

Emma POV

I never been feel super exhausted of my entire life. I feel like body is aching for head to toe especially in my private part. I feel pain and sore while I slowly made my way into door. I walked outside and ignore all the pain I felt at that moment. I need to leave this place this instant.

Thankfully I made it outside the hotel without collapsing. I went inside my car and try to close my eyes . I wanted to cry and I feel ashamed of myself I just sold my body to man who only want my body in return of money. But I can never regret my decision since it's about saving my sister life at that moment and I don't have other choice but to do it.

I didn't noticed the tears form in my eyes and now falling down to my cheeks. I let it go and I started to sob. After couple of minutes of crying I calm down. I clean my face and started my car heading to my house. I park my car and head towards my condo unit. I open the door and I slowly make my way to my sister room.