Past 3 PM.
Drex knew that Say's last subject every Friday will end at 4 P.M. And if he knows that she doesn't have any cheer practice tonight, he will definitely pick her up before her last subject ends.
Only today, she decided to skip her last class. Drex Reyes might be the university's favorite dream boy with his pretty-boy looks and athletic acumen, deep pockets, and his family's social status but still, he is an egotistical, cocky two-timer.
If she is ever to date someone, it won't be that conceited playboy.
Which friend should I call to pick me up here in school? Who am I waiting for here in the parking lot to bring me somewhere and hide me from that --
Say's eyes flickered when she saw a familiar motorbike is approaching her direction from the College of Business Department.
She sees Nick slow his motorbike's speed and stop completely in front of her. "Say, what are you doing here in the parking lot early? You're going home?"
“Can you me go somewhere...anywhere?” She burst out, reeling with the hope he will say yes.
"What? But you still have class, right? ”
"I'm hiding from someone..."
“It’s… It’s -- "
She trailed off her words. Nick may or may not know Drex Reyes, but she just doesn’t want to talk about him in front of Nick. “Just please don’t ask just this once! Nick, he’s coming here if he can’t see me in my class and if he’d see me, it’s difficult for me to say no. My dad likes him, and he wants me to date him!” She said grimly.
"I still have a job, Say... I will still deliver all these letters everywhere." He showed the bag of mails in the front part of his motorbike.
“With your bike? “
“I’d like to help. Please bring me with you.”
“Say...” he countered.
She saw Nick sighed in defeat and later hands his only helmet. “Fine. Hold tight.”
With his motorbike, Say went along with Nick to work and delivered some bank letters. She is curious why there are still people who want to read paper bills when those are usually available online now.
Good thing it was Friday, and so they also don't wear uniforms, so it's easy for them to drive around while not looking like college students who skipped class.
Nick finished the mail deliveries early. It was past five in the afternoon, but there was still light in the sky when they passed a part of the road by a public beach resort that was almost unoccupied. They decided to take a break on the beach.
Now they were sitting in the sands...
“So, your dad likes someone for you to date, but you run away from whoever he is?”Nick teased.
"I didn't really run away from him... I mean... Well, I bolted out from that date because...because I'm busy! That's it!" She retorted fast.
“Okay, joining a bank messenger working in the outskirt of town is being busy. I got it." He was laughing as he drew something in the sand with a stick he found somewhere.
“I just don't want anyone to plan for me for anything. I will date whoever I want to date. ” She honestly answered him. She took the stick he was holding and also drew something on the sand. She wrote her full name on it.
“Okay. So, who do you want to date?”
Say’s head shot back up, “It’s…It’s…ahmm…”
Who is it really?
With Nick's probe came sudden questions in Say's mind - questions that seemed to wake her up as to why she is here on an undisclosed beach with a man she hated a week ago. She doesn’t know how to answer him, but it opens up some realization she didn’t know she could think of.
If I hated the thought that I'll date whomever my dad tells me, why can't I feel that same repulsive thought if it is with you, Nick?
Why have I been so eager to see you these past few days?
Why am I so excited to have you visit me in the ballroom hall that I even count each minute you are late?
Why do I always feel these butterflies tingling in my stomach when you hold me?
Since I chose to be with you today and not the arrogant and playboy Drex, is it you who I liked?
Do I like you, Nick?
Do I love you?
She quickly averted her eyes from Nick. Her heart pounded uncontrollably with the realization.
“It’s fine if you don’t want to answer that.”
Say’s heart continued to throb like crazy with her thoughts that she didn’t hear Nick’s retort.
“A penny for your thoughts? Say? Hey!”
The sudden lightning from the sky woke her up. “Y-yes?”
“It’s about to rain, let me take you home.”
“Uh, okay.” Nick helps her to stand up. "How do you know it's going to rain? it's just a little lightning?" She asked curiously. She heard Nick was one of the Top Dean’s Lister at the school.
“In Science, the light comes first before anything including sound - same as lightning before the thunder. When thunder follows the lightning, rain comes after. And if I sum up the time before rain follows, it will be about 30 minutes. That's just enough time for us to reach your mansion. So, let's go, my queen."
“Wow, you’re like the weather-caster Ernie Baron or Kuya Kim. Alright, let’s go, Mr. Scientist!” she smiles at Nick.
“We’re talking about weathers - so Meteorologist will do. “ Nick smiled back as he corrected her then he handed her his helmet.
"Alright, you're good at Science. Are you sure you're taking up Business Management at our university and not any courses related to being Scientists or Meteorologists?"
Say can't help but smile back at the handsome nerd in front of her.
“HAHA! No, my Queen. Hop in!”