The next couple of days that follow were all perfect. Say’s cheer squad already found a replacement for Tommy for their competition next week and she was able to show them the new choreographed dance; Her squad was curious how did she choreograph some steps that fast without someone to practice it with. They didn’t know she had a handsome lifter-partner every night in their old Ballroom hall.
Give me an N!
Give me an I!
Give me a C!
Give me a K!
Give me MY NICK!
Say dances in front of Nick and makes letters with her feet and hands. They were at that old beach again in the outskirt of town after school. Nick laughed as he sat down on the sand and imitated what Say had done.
Give me a K!
Give me an I!
Give me a double S!
Give me my KISS!
“Please beg for it, boy...” She broke into a beaming smile as she teased him.
“Ah huh, you want me to beg for it? Come here, I’ll have this water for you! HAHAHA!”
“HAHA! NOO! My uniform is going to get wet, Nick!!!"
Although busy with work in town and even at school, Nick finds time to meet her every day, right before and after her cheer dance practice. They are always together, sometimes when her fellow cheer dancers aren't around, she goes to the Janitor's quarter in the gym and hugs him, or sometimes they sneak to the rooftop and spend the whole night talking about anything in the world or if they have more time, they spent in the beach where they've visited first.
“Nay, for whom are these night snacks?"
“For Say ... she seems to be busy studying in her room. That girl hasn't had her dinner again today. ”
"Looks like you're already tired, I'll just take it to her bedroom."
“Ah thank you so much, son. My chest hurts a bit again ... maybe I'm just too tired today.... ”
“Yeah you should just rest, Nay and I’ll take care of this job for you. Okay, I’ll be right back”
Say was so engrossed in her school research paper as part of her semester's project when the door opened.
“Thank you, Nay Sabina -- Nick!” She stifled a shriek of horrified happiness seeing Nick with a tray of food.
“Food for you to eat and a man for you to get inspired...Or you can reverse that. Either of that.” She heard him teased suggestively.
“Food for me to get inspired and a man to...” Say laughed hard with her boyfriend’s naughty remarks. “ Nick ha!” She pinched him before taking the tray of food he was carrying. He hugged her in exchange for her pinch.
He laughed. "Just kidding. Go ahead and eat it as you study. I just made a reason to see you. I want to see you last before I sleep. Goodnight, my queen... ” He was already holding the knob and was ready to leave.
She tiptoed to prepare for his kiss. But he was just smiling at her, not even trying to give her what she was hoping for. “No goodnight kiss?” She pouted.
“I want to. But I won't, you're in your room - that's beyond enemy lines. And my poor heart is too easy to fall prey with enemy number 1 - the deadly charm of Samantha Yvette De Plaza. If I kiss you, my queen, I may not be able to leave and sleep in another room. So, I am going. See you tomorrow at school. ”
He blew her some flying kiss instead and walked.
Aling Sabina was rubbing her chest in pain when Nick entered the servant's quarter.
“Nay? Are you okay?”
His mother immediately removed her hand from her chest. "Oh, this is nothing, hijo. My chest just hurts a little ... But it's gone now. ”
“It’s getting frequent, Nay. I’m worried now.”
“Like I told you, I’m just tired. I will sleep it over so it’ll be okay.”
He sighed and held his mother. “Nay, it's only three weeks more, and I will graduate from College. Have I already told you that I have a new job as a Junior Accountant in the bank? ”
“Really, hijo?”
He smiled at her tenderly. “Yes, so that means you will retire very soon. And then you will move to live in a different house too.”
“I’d love that, Nicholas.”
"I will finish what you are doing in the kitchen. Please rest. ”
Aling Sabina was about to lie down when she talked again. "Wait Nick, I remember ... Governor De Plaza was looking for you earlier."
“He is in the library. He asked me earlier if you were at work or in your night class. I told him it's Sunday now, so you might be coming here."
“Why do you think he’s looking for me?”
“Perhaps he wants to play Chess with you again, like when you’re a young boy?”
“Ah okay. I’m going to the library now.”
"Son, I notice that... you and Ma'am Samantha have always been together."
"Well, nay, it looks like you're right about what you said last time, Say is not like other women I thought. I thought she was an arrogant spoiled-brat girl, I was wrong all along."
He saw his mother sigh before she lay down, "I was only hoping that... I hope that you, being with her frequently, is not the reason why the governor called you ..."